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Sorry for the delay! I had to work on a couple of commissioned fics first since I give those priority. But here we go!

I'm pretty sure most of you are already aware of what was coming up in this chapter, but the smut is here. The usual ABO madness (ya know, the weird stuff. Slick, weird peen growths, dudes that can get knocked up). Other than that, nothing too crazy. They whipped. Chapter four will be the last one!



Coming out of the woods was no one other than one of his best friends, although he'd most definitely transformed in the couple weeks he hadn't seen him. It seemed presenting had changed him physically as well, shooting him up a couple inches so he towered over Yoongi even more than usual. His arms and legs were rippling with muscle that even the black tracksuit he was wearing couldn't hide. His face was still the same though; the innocent grin an interesting contrast with the buff build.

He actually had to tamp down the flicker of interest that crossed his mind, because Jungkook was still as off-limits to him as he always was since he was one of his best friend's little brother. Even more so, really, since the other was here to mate with someone.

Yoongi lowered his arm and turned the taser off, furrowing his brow in confusion. He sniffed at the air, realizing the intoxicating scent of lavender, clove, and Alpha was rolling off of the younger man in heady waves. It was so powerful and honestly was making Yoongi a little dizzy. He hadn't ever smelled an Alpha this strong before.

"You're an Alpha? What the fuck!"

Jungkook's smirk widened as he slowly stalked towards Yoongi.

"Prime Alpha. Turns out it's normal for Primes to present later."

Yoongi snorts and stuffs the taser in his jacket, finally letting himself loosen up.

"Of course you're a Prime. Jeon Jungkook has to be perfect at everything, so if he's going to be an Asshole Alpha, he'll be a Prime asshole."

Jungkook giggles and nods towards the dirt burrow. "You should show me your cave, hyung. I've always wanted to see it."

"Is that why you were running after me? Aren't you supposed to be out chasing down some poor sucker? I heard you had someone in mind. Don't think they'd like you being sidetracked."

Jungkook hums and shrugs, silently begging Yoongi like he always did, all big twinkling eyes and bunny smile. And just like he had a million times before, Yoongi gave in like the soft ass bitch he was.

He sighed and dropped to his knees in front of the burrow, glancing back towards the excited Jungkook.

"It's not too long, but it will probably be tight in a few spots for you now that you look like you snort protein powder. Make sure you let me know if you get stuck or something so I can help."

"Yes, hyung."

Yoongi crawls into the dirt tunnel and begins the familiar trek through. Jungkook was following close behind, both of them silent save for the occasional grunt or Jungkook's usual sniffles. They were about halfway through when Yoongi realizes that he may have made a mistake letting Jungkook be in such a closed up space with him.

That scent of his was potent - the strongest Alpha scent he'd ever been around. He's been trying to deny that it was doing anything to him, but he was slowly losing that battle. His Omega was practically preening being in the presence of a Prime, relishing the way the Alpha's scent was wrapped around them like a protective shield. It was screaming at him to present and mate. Thankfully, the scent blocking gel he'd used still seemed to be working. Jungkook wouldn't be able to scent his growing arousal - or so he thought.

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