Trial two - Stubborness

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: IssieKnight

Gracen approached from behind... "Hello? General Kenobi?" 

Her master turned. "Ah, the stalker. What is your name?"

"Gracen Balian. I'm with the Rebellion sir." He was eager to mention that.

"Welcom to the party Gracen." Laeta spoke up. "More like a freak show, but..." Sheema smacked him in the back of the head. "Ow!"

Contu giggled. "Thank you for the help Gracen. It's a pleasure to have you on board." 

He smiled. "Anytime! Could I have my blaster back though?"

She frowned but handed it over to him. "It's a really nice blaster."

"I know..." He smiled. "My dad gave it to me before he left for his last mission."

"I'm sorry about your dad." She smirked. "But now you have a larger family!"

Obi-wan smiled. "Yes he does. Are you ready for your next trial, young padawan?"

She nodded eagerly. She wanted to keep going while her adreneline was still running.

Obi smiled. She reminded him so much of himself as a twelve year old. The feeling of invincability. It  would fade when she faced a worthy opponent. "You're next trial is to track down and stop the bounty hunter that is plaguing the local villages. It is known to hide in the forests of Gandaran. Just outside. If you cannot covince it to stop it's terrorizing... You must neutralize the threat to the people."

"Yes Master."

"May the force be with you, young one." She smiled. "But Contu. When you return I shall not be here. I must return to Tatooine. Master Canva will recieve you." She frowned but nodded. And with that she off again. This time her mission a little more complex.

Obi was returning to Tattooine. She didn't know why but she felt as if this would be that last time she ever saw him. The thought brought tears to her eyes. Contu made her way through the forest. It was cold and dark. She thought that this planet was warm and friendly?

A little ways in front of her another being walked stealthily through the forest. She knew there was someone following her. She just wasn't sure whether to blast them now or wait and see what they were. 

This bounty hunter knew what they were doing.... They chose to hide in the darkest forest of Naboo. Contu couldn't help but wonder what to expect from it.... Male? Or female? Adult? Or child? About ten yards from her she saw the little bit of light coming through the trees glint off of someone's armor. "Show yourself Bounty hunter!"

"Bold..." She thought to herself, the bounty hunter could see now that her stalker was actually a young girl. She stepped out into the light, allowing her to see who she was dealing with.

Contu gasped. It was a young woman. Around Ami's age. Her armor was thick and sturdy. This would not be easy. "Identify yourself." Perhaps this could solved with diplomacy?

"And why should I do that young one?" She sneered back, she didn't like people bossing her around, especially a small girl.

Contu winced. She didn't want to fight this woman. She looked well trained. "Because I'd like to know who I'm dealing with. I'm not from around here. I don't know who you are." The woman was intimidating. 

She saw the wince, and felt the child's hesitation. Normally she would see that as weakness. But the child obviously recognized the difference in skill leves. "My name is Katara Mirona, and as you already said I am a bounty hunter." She replied, drawing herself up even taller.

"I am Jedi padawan Contu Wan-Gi." She took a deep breath. "I was sent to confront you about your escapades among the local villages."

Katara raised her eyebrow, such a young child to send after her! A tained killer!

A Jedi's Journeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें