Canva, Kenobi, Baegon, Wan-Gi

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Ami got back to her ship, only to find Cai along with two other people. A young girl no older than twelve and a man.... General Kenobi! Did Vadar ask for him to be brought back alive?

"Uh, Cai? Who are they?"

He shrugged. "This one's named Contu, suddenly a quiet one. This one's General, Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi. Though Luke thinks his name is Ben."

"Wait a minute!" Obi held up a hand. "You know Luke Skywalker?"

Cai raised both eyebrows and pressed his lips into a straight line. "Yes. Now, Ami: We need to get to Ryloth, ASAP."

She nodded and turned to Contu. "Would you like to join me?"

Contu nodded and took a seat in the co-pilots seat. "Ami, what all do you know about Cai's mom? Quesa Katar?"

Ami jumped at the question. "Cai's mom is Quesa Katar?!" When Contu nodded, Ami raised an eyebrow. "She's not nice. She has a reputation for killing without reason. Many a tale has been told of her.... She was the apprentice of Darth Electra. Quesa's Sith name was Darth Melmeka, in the dark tongue it means, ruthless queen. Why?"

Contu gulped. "Because Quesa Katar is now know as Quesa Wan-Gi..... She's my mother."

"WHAT!?!?!?" Ami's exclamation could've been heard three star systems away.

Contu tried shushing her but it didn't work. "Ami, please. Quiet down!"

"Quesa Katar is not only Cai's mother, but yours as well!?" It was really hard for her to understand this.

"Yes, Ami! Try to keep up!"

Cai peered into the cockpit. "Is everything ok in here? I heard Ami scream."

Both girls rolled their eyes and Ami pushed him out, shutting the door behind him. Contu giggled, wondering if Laeta was having such a good time.

"Where the heck have you been?!" He screamed. "I needed you and you dissapeared! My father was turned in to the Empire and you did NOTHING to stop it! The very boy you defended back there is the same one who turned in the man you and I care about most!" Sheema watched as he burst into tears.

"Laeta, I DID do something. But it wasn't enough." They were talking about his father, Kenta Baegon. Sheema was married to him. Laeta was her step-son. "Now listen, I need you to be strong for me. Laeta, you've grown up. You're fifteen now, I need you to be strong for me and Layla. I'm going to go get her. Please don't leave planet without us." He nodded and watched her walk out. It wasn't long before she returned with a girl, a few years younger than Contu. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. A perfect mixture of her parents.

"Wow, Layla! You got big!" Laeta exclaimed as she entered the ship.

She looked up at her mother. "Momma? Is that Laeta? I thought you said we'd probably never see him again?"

Sheema put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "I didn't think we would, Layla. But thank the Force he's come back to us."

He smiled. "Hey Layla? Can I get a hug?" The younger girl smiled and bull rushed her brother, hugging him with all the strength in her small frame.

"Now Laeta, we need to get to Ryloth. As quickly as possible."

It only took the two ships less than an hour to reach Ryloth. Once they landed, Sheema wasted no time in grabbing Obi's hand and dragging him towards the nearest city. "Sheema! Where are you taking me?"

She pulled him all the way up to a small home. "Daddy? Are you home? Mother?"

An older man opened the door and embraced her. "Sheema! You've come home!" He had a full head of white hair, with a matching white beard.

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