Whose side are you on?

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It took everyone a while to get the family tree straightened out. A very long while. In fact, in the end they still weren't sure who was related to who and how. Master Canva seemed to have it down the best.

Contu smiled. "Master Canva? May we meet your daughter?"

"Oh! Yes!" She jumped up out of her seat, suddenly remembering her daughter back in Laeta's vessel. "I'll be right back."

"I left something in the ship as well so..." Cai stood, walking out behind her.

It wasn't a very long walk back to the ships but to a man trying to avoid attention, it seemed like an eternity. He saw Master.... Sheema enter her ship. He remembered her from when he was little. He also remembered being taken. The memories plagued him day and night. The crash. The Bountyhunter that "collected" him. Standing before Lord Vadar and having his freedom stripped to nothing. The first time he had to kill someone. Turning his very own father over to the Empire. But now, he wouldn't have it any other way. He entered the ship and picked up his com-link. "Master? Master do you read me?"

"Very loud and clear Cai. How goes the mission? Is Kenobi dead?"

Cai winced. If the force worked over his com, then he would be dead after these next words. "I'm afraid another complication has come up, Master."

Nothing but heavy mechanical breathing. "What this time?"

Cai absent-mindedly ran a finger over the scar on his cheek as he relayed the story of what just transpired to his Master. The scar reminded him of his place. Beneath Vadar. The scar was given to him with an electric whip, as were the scars across his back and legs. He was surprised that Sheema hadn't asked him about the one on his face. He scowled at the thought. She was partially responsible for what happened to him. She was supposed to protect him.

"The apprentice seems to be the one who keeps unravelling your plans. I don't care if she's related, kill her so you can get to Kenobi. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Master."

Vadar seemed pleased. "Good. I agree with your idea to get close to them so they wouldn't suspect you. Carry on."

"Cai out." He wiped his brow as he threw his com. He was never good at undercover missions. He was a 'get in get it done and get out' type of guy.

"Cai? You in here?"

He turned and saw Master Canva and who he presumed was her daughter. "Sheema! Yes, I'm in here!"

She smiled at the man who stood before her. "I can't get over how big you got!" He smiled. "How old were you? Nine?"

"Something like that." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Would she be able to sense his lie? "But that was the past. No need to revisit it." He just really wanted to get off the subject.

She smiled and walked out of the ship with him close behind her. Her daughter was only a few steps ahead of him and evidently heard his irregular breathing.

"Your name's Cai.... right?"

"Yeah that's me."

She scrunched up her nose. "Are you feeling ok? You're sure breathing funny."

"I'm fine. Now leave me alone." He snapped and the girl looked like she won.

"Ok!" She ran up and hooked arms with her mother. Cai could see them whispering and a worried look passed over Sheema's face.

Jedi scum. Could she sense his plans? Would she kill him on the spot? He watched her face for clues. He could read people like no other and that was without relying on the force! "Master Sheema? Is everything alright?"

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