The Hunt

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Cai was very familiar with these parts. He grew up there. When he was born, his mother dropped him off at an orphanage. On Damador, on the inner rim. From there, he was shipped out to Tatooine where he grew up. He still had good friends there. Luke Skywalker. His best friend. The two had been inseparable as children. He walked up to the home and buzzed in. "Luke you slimy peice of good for nothing Bantha fodder you home?"

The door slid open revealing the blonde headed boy. "Cai? I thought you died! In a ship wreck! Get in here!" Luke pulled him inside and sat him down. "Where in this universe have you been?"

"Uh, all over the place. How've you been?" He pondered Luke's words. He thought he died in a ship wreck?

"Ok I guess. I've haven't really kept in contact with Ami since she went to the Acadamy. She's become a pistol that one. All of our other friends have gone to the academy as well. You?"

Cai nodded. "Good. Ami's actually my pilot now. Haven't really had contact with many people in general since I left. Listen Luke, I'm here on business. Have you heard of Ben Kenobi? I'm looking for him."

Luke nodded his head. "Ol' Ben? Yeah, he lives up in the dunes, the crazy old man." He put out his hand to keep Cai from getting up. "But first you need to tell me why you left if you didn't die."

He sighed. "The Empire found me and wanted to take me in. I was rescued by a man and his payment for my life was my working for him." He threw out his arms before gently relaxing them back onto his lap. "So that's where I've been. Can I go now?"

"Is Ami here?"

Cai nodded. "Back at the ship. It's over by the dunes. That's where I left her at least. Here's my frequency, if she's not there let me know. Can I go now?" He was getting impatient and the drumming of his fingers was a good clue for Luke.

"Yeah, but be nice. He lives alone and could use a friend."

Cai plastered a smile to his face and walked out the door. For the reason he was visiting Kenobi, he wouldn't need his manners.

Luke hustled over to the sleek fighter vessel. The door was open, so he went inside. "Hey Ami? You here? It's Luke! Luke Skywaker?"

"Luke?" She peered around the corner. "Luke! It really is you! How've ya been ya' hunk of mischief?"

He smiled as she wrapped him in a death grip of a hug. "Good! I hear you're piloting for Cai and you didn't bother to tell the rest of us that he's alive nevertheless your boss."

She shrugged. "Yeah. Sorry bout that. But you see, his Master placed strict orders that I'm not supposed to contact any of my friends. (but I do anyway) So I try to stick to that."

"Master?" That caught Luke's attention. "You make it like he's a slave!"

"He basically is." Her face suddenly became void of emotion. "He's not the same Cai we grew up with, Luke. He's changed and not for the better. That's all I'm saying." She grabbed his shoulders as her mood again became gleeful. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment to make! It was nice seeing you Luke!"

She couldn't get away from that ship fast enough. She knew she couldn't tell Luke what exactly Cai did on a daily basis without turning Luke against him. That was the last thing she needed. She ran to the meeting point and saw the brown headed "hot-head" she was looking for. "Leia!"

The girl turned and embraced her friend. "Hey Ami, where's Cai?" The princess of Alderaan looked around her for their male friend.

Ami sighed. "Leia, I can't stop him without blowing my cover! Is that what you want?" She hung her head. "Listen Leia, Cai is in bad shape. With every passing day he is becoming more and more like Vadar. The little boy that we ran around and played with as children is dying.... fast. If I can't change him soon, he'll be too far gone to save. Leia, I'm worried about him."

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