time flies

567 13 4

I guess with being wrapped up in homework and working for the writing center, I didn't fully realize just how much of the semester had passed. But here we are, literally two weeks from the school year being over. We have one week of regular classes and then one week of finals and then... we're completely done for the year.

It scares me a little.

With school being almost done, it means that Harry is graduating. Which means that there's a possibility of him leaving if he doesn't end up getting the job that one of his professors is trying to line up for him. I have so much faith in him and I really do think he'll get the job, but nothing is for certain.

Meanwhile, I still have a full year here. Which also means that my dad is probably going to force me to come home for two to three months to use me as his personal assistant all summer.

I'd spent the night at Harry's after we did a double date with Erin and Liam last night. Like usual, Harry was awake before me and already downstairs. Now that I think about it, I think I've woken up before him maybe twice in the entire time I've known him.

He's leaned against the counter in the kitchen, cracking eggs into a mixing bowl and singing quietly. I walk up behind him, wrapping the blanket I had around me around him too. He jumps a little, making it clear that he hadn't heard me come downstairs.

"Good morning, gorgeous."

"Morning," I mumble into his shoulder as I happily cuddle up against him. "You're so warm."

He stops what he's doing and turns around in my arms, wrapping his around me in return. "I feel like I'm just your personal heater at this point. Do you even consider me your boyfriend? Or just your heater?"

"Is there an all of the above option? Because if there is, I choose that."

He chuckles as he rolls his eyes at me. I can't help but giggle and he smiles down at me. "You're a dork."

I smile and reach up to press my lips to his. "A dork who you're very in love with?"

"Very much in love with."

I give him another kiss before separating from him and walking in the direction of the fridge. I get a glass of water before retreating to the bar stools along the kitchen island.

"What are you making?"

"Crepes," he replies softly. "Could you grab the strawberries from the fridge and wash them for me please, babe?"

"You- you want me to help you? Are you sure you want that kind of hazard in your kitchen this early in the morning?"

He stops what he's doing and gives me a funny look. "I just need you to wash strawberries. It's not like I'm giving you something that involves knives or fire."

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I try to keep a straight face, but fail miserably as Harry shakes his head and chuckles at me.

As I grab the container of strawberries and take them over to the sink, Harry looks over at me again. "Do you really not know how to cook at all? Or has this all been one big scheme to get out of cooking and make me do it?"

"I know the basics, but you're way better at it than I'll ever be. We had fast food or meals from my grandma or aunt a lot growing up because it pretty much felt like we were always at the hospital with my mom or doing something for school or whatever it was that we were doing for the day. I never really learned how to cook."

"I could teach you some stuff if you want? My mum had me helping her when I was seven or eight. Gemma liked helping with baking and I liked helping with cooking. We didn't help much, though. If I recall correctly, we sat on stools and watched until we were at an age where she could trust us a bit more."

"Please tell me that eight year old Harry had a chefs hat or something."

"No chef hat, but I did have an apron that was entirely too big for me."

"Follow up question... does your mother have pictures of this?"


I set the strawberries aside and I pull out my phone, immediately opening my texts.

"Are you about to text her and ask?"

"You bet your ass I am."

Harry runs over to me and tries to take my phone away, but I'm too quick and I'm able to dodge out of the way.

"No! I have to see a picture of that!"

Before I can even blink, I'm being chased around the kitchen. He catches me quicker than I'd like to admit, wrapping both of his arms around my waist. He lifts me off the ground while I laugh my ass off and try to keep my phone hidden. My only option due to the grip he has on me is to slip my phone into my sweats.

"You think that's gonna stop me? I've been in there more times than I can count, baby."

We end up on the ground somehow and I'm still laughing. He traps me and reaches into the waistline of my sweats, finding my phone right away.

"You're just delaying the inevitable, bub. You can't keep my phone for forever."

"That's not true. If I keep your phone, you can't leave me," he mutters. When I look at his face, his smile that was there seconds ago is now gone. In response, my smile disappears too.

"What are you talking about?"

He sits up and sighs. I sit up too, looking at him with confusion and a bit of concern.

"Sorry- I just... sorry. Never mind."

I watch as he tries to get up and I crawl onto him and straddle his lap before he can.



I pout at him. "Harry, tell me what you're thinking."

"I just... I know that we've both been thinking about it, but we haven't talked about it. I graduate really soon. And I know that you've talked about the fact that you're going to go home for the summer..."

"Bub," I whisper sadly. I knew what he was thinking. He wants me to stay.

"I don't want to be the bad guy and I don't want to make you feel guilty for having to make a choice, but I really would love it if we could spend the summer together."

I wrap my arms around him and hide my face in his neck. We haven't talked about it because I've been putting off reality as long as possible.

"My time with you keeps flying by and I don't think either one of us know what's going to happen three months from now... even two weeks from now. I'm not ready for the possibility of not having you around."

Silence falls in the room for a minute while I hug him tight. As much as I wanted to help my dad, my heart already knew the answer before we even started talking about this.


He backs away and looks at me with shock. "Okay as in you're staying?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll probably head home for a few weeks just to see my family but... wherever you are is where I want to be."

kaitlynn rose // h.sWhere stories live. Discover now