the final prints

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kaitlynnrose: presentation day fueled by sugar and espresso

"Alright," my photography professor claps her hands together once to gain everybody's attention. "Everybody has their final images hung, yes? ...Perfect! I would like you to stand with your partners we're going to do a group critique and then I'm going to come around to talk to you all as pairs."

"If you keep pulling on your sleeve, you're going to put a hole in it," Harry mumbles next to me. I elbow him lightly to tell him to shut up, glaring at him out of the corner of my eyes. He laughs and gives me a playful shove.

How was he not nervous? Just hanging my final prints made me nervous, let alone having to see people look at them in depth and talk about them. I felt so vulnerable. It didn't help that I was also being portrayed in Harry's images as a sad, naked girl in a shower.

"Don't be so nervous, everything turned out fantastic. You did amazing, Kaitlynn. And you look incredible in my pictures. Trust me."

Don't be so nervous. If only it was that easy. I was already in my head and having a slight anxiety attack. It was too late for "don't be nervous."

I'm just glad that this is something I know and like - that makes it easier to do this. Presentations and talking in front of people is terrible, but when we're all standing around in a circle talking about photography it's not that bad. It's still bad, just not as bad.

It's been a few weeks since we were assigned this project. For Harry, the first round of pictures was the only round of pictures he took (thankfully). All of them were fantastic. For me, I ended up making him pose for more pictures because I really wasn't happy with the first round. Still, we were the first ones done with the project because we started the day it was assigned.

The critique drags on for what seems like an eternity. The negative comments were barely negative, much to my surprise, and there weren't many suggested changes. After people are done talking about ours specifically, Harry nudges me.

"I told you," he whispers, a wide smile on his face. "They're fantastic."


inspiration for harry's prints / similar to what i imagined for the final prints

(I've been trying to leave kaitlynn's character faceless for readers to imagine her as they please, but if you'd like to picture her as selena you can)

(I've been trying to leave kaitlynn's character faceless for readers to imagine her as they please, but if you'd like to picture her as selena you can)

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kaitlynn rose // h.sWhere stories live. Discover now