dinner with anne

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kaitlynnrose: I think this is heaven

After the gallery opening, Anne decided that we should go out to celebrate the occasion. Harry drove us to Cheesecake Factory upon Anne's request. Very surprisingly, the wait isn't too long and we get seated after not long. Harry and I slide into the booth across from Anne and the waiter takes our drink orders. I cuddle up into Harry's side as he flips through the huge menu, glancing over his shoulder. I kind of already knew what I wanted, so I really wasn't paying much attention.

"How is the semester going so far?" Anne asks us once we've all decided on what we want and set the menus aside.

"Well, considering it's only a week in, it's hard to tell," Harry mutters. "But good, I suppose."

I nod, agreeing with his statement.

"What is it that you're doing for your degree again, dear?" Anne asks, glancing over at me.

"I'm an English major," I answer.

"Oh, how fun! Gemma is a writer. What do you plan on doing with your degree?"

"I uh," I sigh. "I'm not entirely sure. I'd love to write and maybe release a book or something of the sort, but that's not the most realistic thing straight out of college. I've taken a lot of media classes, so I might start with applying to jobs where I can use those skills."

She nods. "Harry tells me you like photography as well?"

"I'm not as good as he is, but I do love it," I smile. Harry rests his hand on my thigh under the table and rolls his eyes at me.

"I think she's wonderful at it, but she does't listen to me."

"Of course not, I'm your girlfriend," I mutter, giving him a smile. He rolls his eyes at me playfully once again and Anne laughs quietly.

"You know, I always knew that Harry had quite the knack for photography," Anne tells me. "When he was five or six, he'd steal his grandfathers camera and take pictures wherever he could. My dad wasn't thrilled about all of the film that he ran through, but none of us had the heart to tell him to stop."

I lean my head on Harry's shoulder and he squeezes my thigh under the table. I wanted to sit here all day and hear stories about him and his childhood.

Our food gets brought out after not long, but it doesn't stop the conversation. I learn things about young Harry that current day Harry did not want me to be hearing. Anne learns some more about me and talks with Harry about school as well.

"Have you thought about bringing Kaitlynn back to London this summer to show her around?"

Harry glances over at me and shrugs. "Haven't really thought that far in advance. Maybe."

"I'm probably going to be pretty wrapped up in watching and driving my siblings places back in Texas," I sigh sadly. "My dad needs help, so I'm headed home."

"How old are your siblings?" Anne questions.

"I've got an older brother in the military named Jackson who is 24, my younger sister Madison is 11, and my younger brother Aiden is 14."

She nods her head. "I would imagine those younger ones are busy bees with the ages that they're at, so I can understand why your dad might feel that he needs help. But if you can spare a week or two this summer, we'd love to see you."

I smile gratefully and nod. "When it comes to be that time, I'll definitely try and figure something out."

Once we're all done eating we decide to get some cheesecake to go since we're all so full from dinner. Anne so kindly pays for all of us and then we're on our way back to Harry's house. We all head upstairs once we get back and I find myself changing into one of Harry's sweaters and my shorts as soon as I can. Harry changes into sweats and a tee and lays down on the bed as I brush through my hair in the bathroom.


I set my brush down and grab a hair tie, tying my hair back in a ponytail as I walk back into the bedroom.


"My mum's question about you coming to London has got me thinking," he mutters quietly as I sit down next to him.

"No, don't do that. You thinking usually means something expensive."

He laughs and shrugs. "You're not wrong about that this time around. What if we go on vacation? Not to London or to Texas. Like a real vacation. I'm graduating in a matter of months and then the real world is gonna sweep me away. I want to have fun with you before that happens."

I lay down on my stomach next to him and rest my chin in the palm of my hand. "Where do you want to go?"

Harry's eyebrows quirk up in surprise. "Wait... you're not going to argue with me on this?"

A small laugh falls from my lips and I scoot closer to him so I can rest my head on his chest as I look at him. "Well even if I do, you're gonna plan the trip anyway. Might as well just skip that step of it."

A smile indents his cheeks and he chuckles. "Okay then. Where do you want to go?"

"I'm not sure," I pout. "Traveling has never really been an option for me so I guess I've never really thought about it."

"You really can't think of a single place that you've always dreamed of going?"

"Honestly..." I sigh, absentmindedly running my fingers through his hair. "I've always wanted to go to Paris. Is that lame?"

"No, it's not lame. Do you want to go? I can look into flights in the morning for June?"

"I don't want you to spend all that money on me," I mutter under my breath. "Paris is expensive. What if we just go to the mountains or something?"

He rolls his eyes. "Even if we go to the mountains, I'm still going to plan the Paris trip. Don't you know how this works by now?"

"How you can manage to be rude and sweet at the same time is beyond me."

Laughter falls from his lips and he lowers himself so he can press his lips to mine. "I love you and I want to spoil you," he mutters in between kisses. "Please let me spoil you."

"Even if I say no, you're going to do it anyway aren't you?"

"One hundred percent."

I sigh and shake my head as I laugh lightly. "Fine. Okay."

"Before you say- wait, really? You're allowing me to do this?"

As he gives me a huge smile and I can't help but mirror it. "It's like I just said...There's no point in trying to argue it."

"That's my girl," he laughs before reaching to kiss me again. "God, I can't wait to travel with you. I love you."

kaitlynn rose // h.sOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora