party panic

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"Hey gorgeous. You want something to drink, babe?" Harry mumbles in my ear, hiding his face in my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I'd been watching a game of beer pong from the doorway and hadn't seen Harry yet tonight. I was glad he'd appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm alright for now," I tell him as I spin in his arms. "Thank you, though."

"Where did Erin run off to?"

I glance around the party, which was at somebody's frat house this time around rather than at Harry's. I was thankful for that, honestly.

"Who knows? Probably off making out with Liam somewhere."

"She left you by yourself?"

"I told her she could," I shrug. "I hate feeling like I'm holding her back. I also knew you'd be here soon."

He runs his fingers through my hair as he pushes it behind my shoulder. "You know she would never consider being around you holding her back, right? She's your best friend, Kait. You're not a burden to her or to anybody else."

"No, I know - but I also know how badly she's been wanting to get drunk with Liam."

He laughs lightly and kisses my nose. "Wanna dance?"

"Sure," I smile, nodding my head. He takes my hand, leading me into the crowd of bodies in the living room. We dance around to a few songs, probably looking like idiots. We didn't care.

Eventually I pull away from the crowd and Harry follows me. I wander into the kitchen to find something to drink. For some reason there's a shit ton of boxed wine, and both of us put wine in red solo cups because we're very classy people. We find a place to sit outside and Harry wraps his jacket around me even though I tell him I'm fine. I slip it onto my arms and smile at him in thanks. He leaves me with his cup while he goes to find a bathroom. I think I'm alone for about a minute before some random guy sits next to me.

"Hey," the guy smirks at me, the one word falling from his mouth in a slur.

"Uhm. Hi?"

He scoots close to me. "So you're Harry's new play thing, huh?"

Oh. This should be fun.

"I'm not a play thing."

"Well, with Harry's past, I'm ninety-nine percent sure you're not anything else to him."

I don't look over at him, but I roll my eyes. "You don't know anything."

He scoots closer again, this time putting his hand on the skin of my thigh. I shove his hand away, praying silently for Harry to return from the bathroom in a quicker manner.

"Oh come on, babe," he slurs. "Have some fun. Harry isn't as good as I am. Harry is nothing compared to me."

His hand grabs at my thigh again, this time with more force. I try to shove him away again but he instead pushes his hand up my dress. He grabs my hand with his free one as I try to push him away again.


"No," he hisses. "I get what I want. And what I want is for you to fuck me. You'll fall apart at my fingertips, just you wait."

I shove him away with my free hand as best as I can, but he fights me off and shoves me so I'm laying down.

"Stop!" I scream at him, trying to maneuver out of his grip. Nothing was working. "Let go of me!"

I can feel panic rising inside of me. My hands and arms start to shake as I push him. The shaking was making me weak and I felt like there was no way out of this.

kaitlynn rose // h.sWhere stories live. Discover now