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"Why are you all alone? It's too dangerous." A certain woman with a long magenta hair said to herself as she followed a certain midget with his signature top hat and sceptor.

She had been protecting the kid from the shadows ever since she learned he accidentally opened a portal and teleported on the other side of Land of Dawn.

After all, he was her little brother. She may be adopted, but she treasured the magician so much.

She kept on following him when suddenly, she was block by a wall that startled her.

She spun around and before she could pull her rifle's trigger, a giant creature who was carrying a capsule attacked her, making her body hit the wall.

The impact made her laod down on the ground and dropped her rifle. She felt every bone in her body broke, she even coughed blood.

She tried to reach for her rifle but she couldn't.

"I think you pushed her too much, Monitor Lizard." A female voice spoke but she was sure it was an android.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to push you."

"Anyway, let's go. We need to catch that Harley Vance."

N-no. She tried to speak, but she couldn't find her voice.

Her vision may be blurry, but she saw how the female android caught her little brother with her string and the giant one hit him with the capsule he was carrying.

She reached out her hand with tears pooling in her eyes, wanting to stop them from getting her little brother but she couldn't do anything but to watch the whole scene.

I'm sorry Harley. She said to herself while crying as her consciousness slipped away.


So this should be my entry for MLBB x Webnovel but Webnovel is being scam– I mean, it's too complicated to write a story there I decided not to join.

But I was really hoping Moonton will notice this since this idea has been playing in my mind eversince Harley was announced to be in VENOM squad.

And yes, I have another on-going story. What the hell am I doing in my life? HAHAHAHA.

Just like See You in My Dreams, updates on this book will be whenever. Hahahaha. Sorry in advance XD

My first ever book in a canon way. But don't expect too much XD

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