"Huh?" I ask,locking my eyes with his, tilting my head to the side. 

"I said, are you coming?" He asked, his arm outstretched to me and I remembered how to use my legs again. 

I got to his side and he grabbed my hand just like I had grabbed his and I could feel my heart flutter. I mentally facepalmed at this new found feeling that I had deep down in my chest. 

We walked through the dark and down the stairs to the kitchen. Shinso sat against the counter as he watched me search through the cabinets for a glass. 

"This would be a little easier if you could help me and I could get that headache to go away faster." I remark, reaching up in one of the cabinets for a glass that just so happened to be on the top shelf. 

Warmth surrounded me as I felt a hand hold my waist and an arm reached over my head, grabbing the glass for me. Shinso placed it on the counter, not moving from his spot behind me. 

He laid his head on my shoulder, relaxing into my back and his breathing bagan to slow. 

"You make me feel better." He whispered quietly into my ear, causing shivers to run down my spine. 

"I-I do?" I stuttered out and I could feel a lump in my throat. 

"You don't give me such a headache like everyone else." He growled and bit my ear, tightening his grip on my waist. 

His free hand ran down my side, traveling down to my thigh and back up to my waist. I bit my lip and I didn't know how to react in this situation so I quielty let him do what he wanted. 

He started move his other hand this time, slowly moving to the front and started rubbing me through my jeans. 

"Shinso, w-what are yo-" 


The sound of my phone going off brought me out of my trance. 

"Huh?" I looked down at the counter and saw 'Todo Dodo' lighting up my screen. I pressed answer and put it up to my ear. 

"H-Hello?" I asked, out of breath and turned around to where Shinso should of been. 

He was pressed up against the counter, holding his head like he was before I started looking for the glass. 

What is going on? 

"Hey, Doka,Im sorry for calling you this late." Todoroki's voice was so quiet I could barely hear him, he sounded sleep deprived and weary. 

"Don't worry about it, is something wrong?" My mind goes back to the task that I was doing before I started daydreaming about Shinso touching me in his kitchen. 

I reached up and grabbed the glass, placing it on the counter gently as I waited for Todoroki to answer. 

"Well there's been this thing that's been bugging me since forever and I just wanted to get it off my chest." A confused look spread across my face and Shinso watched me as I filled the glass with water at the sink. 

"I really like....unicorns..." He drew out the u and he sounded indecisive about his answer. 

"Unicorns?" I question in a confused tone, handing Shinso the glass. I reached up and felt his forehead, which was normal temperature. 

"Yes unicorns, I have to go, I'm sorry for calling you." The line went dead and I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it. He had ended the call. 

I shake my head and look over at Shinso who was quietly gulping down the water I gave him. 

"Are you feeling any better?" I catch his attention and he looks over at me in the dark, nodding his head. I sigh and go to thinking about what had happened earlier. 

"Weren't you helping me get the glass earlier?" I ask another question and he stares at me before answering. 

"What are you even talking about? I've been standing here the whole time since we've gotten down here." My head began to spin and I was starting to confuse myself. 

So it was all my own thoughts, he didn't touch me like that. He didn't even touch me at all. 

"Can we go back up stairs now, I'm still really tired." My excuse worked and Shinso led the way back to his room. 

Once we got in his room, he shut the door and he sat on his bed. I wandered around the room a bit, looking at all the knick knacks he had set up on shelves. 

He had a shelf that had just cats on it. Callicos, shorthairs, bengals, bobtails, munchkins and so many more. Some were in pairs, dressed up and in different poses. 

"Awe, this one's cute." I smile and pick up a snowshoe from the collection. 

He had a fish in his paw while sitting on what looked like a doc, his eyes staring up into mine. 

"Snowshoes are my favorite." I go to put it back until Shinso's voice made me freeze. 

"You can have it if you'd like." I turn to him and then glance down at the cat figurine that was in my hands. 

"Are you sure?" He nods at me and I place it on the bedside table so I wouldn't forget it. 

"Alrighty, I'm tired now." He says, standing up and walks over to the light switch. 

I lay down on the bed, pulling the blankets over after the light was turned off. Shinso slid in beside me, getting under the covers and scooting closer to me. 


"Who is it this time?" I ask myself as I pick up my phone from the bed side table and look at the caller ID.

'Todo Dodo.'

I press answer again and put the phone to my ear. It was quiet for a few seconds before Todoroki started talking. 

"Doka, I'm gonna be serious with you this time. I can't just keep you hanging like I earlier. It's time that you need to know." He explained to me as I sat there and listened. 

"And what would that be?" I ask curiously as I look over at Shinso.

"I wanted to ask you out on a date. I heard what happened with Tokoyami and I'm sorry to hear that and you don't deserve to be let down like that. I want to make you happy and take you out on a real date." His voice became low when he mentioned Tokoyami and I could tell he meant every word he said.

"Um...I'm free tomorrow and the next day if you want." I answer and I can here him sigh from the other end.

The phone call ended soon after we said our goodbyes and I rolled over towards Shinso who was already facing me.

"Goodnight." I yawn quietly, feeling him wrap his arms around my figure. 

"Goodnight, kitten." He kisses my temple and I could feel my cheeks flare up. 

I really hope this isn't just another dream.

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