Namjoon frowned, his roommate never told him he got in trouble. Or he met someone presumably interesting. "What happened after that?" He heard himself ask. His mind was all over the place.

"After that we all kind of became friends. I got Jimin an excuse for his hair, Taehyung and Jeongguk hung out with him as usual, Hoseok spent time with him after school and Yoongi walked him home." Namjoon couldn't believe his ears. His roommate and presumably best friend had this entire group of friends and one, did not invite him, and two always seemed to be either too busy or too tired to hang out with him.

Seokjin felt the shift in the air and quickly continued, this time the last part of what happened in his experience. "But about a month ago Jimin got extremely scared. He wouldn't even go further than his doorstep, not even for groceries. We all took turns shopping for him if he needed anything but a week ago the messages stopped coming and he wouldn't open the door anymore. We thought he went back to his parents' place in Busan, he did that before, but the lack of messages got us on edge. Rightfully so. Yoongi was the last one to bring stuff to Jimin's house and also the last person who has seen him."

"Is that how you know Jimin by the way? Though Yoongi?" Seokjin smiled softly. Apparently, it was Namjoon's time to spill but his mind was clouded by everything that happened in the past few hours. "No, I met him after he died" he mumbled while staring at the door to the hallway. He got so lost in thoughts, he didn't notice the four men staring at him.

"...What?" All five men thought so, Taehyung just said it out loud. Namjoon, mouth wide open, baffled by his own words he never meant to say out loud. "I mean..." He had to come up with a better explanation. He should've just went with what Seokjin said. Before he could say anything else Jeongguk decided to mix into the conversation.

"Can you talk to dead people?" He seemed sincerely asking him if he could converse with spirits. Usually, people were a bit weird about it. Or sceptical. Namjoon tried to think of an explanation for his sudden confession but after everything that has happened today, his mind just went blank. "Uhm.." He wanted to run away or lock himself up in his room out of embarrassment. Until Taehyung took hold of his hand.

"Please? We believe you, so can you please tell us what he said?" Namjoon's heart broke a little because he didn't have many positive things to say. But he couldn't lie to them either so he told them about everything that had happened the last two weeks. How Jimin convinced himself he wasn't dead, how they searched for him in the different departments, and how he had recognized Jeongguk.

He didn't leave any detail out. Even the part where they would talk on campus, search on the internet and how Jimin clung to Taehyung every time he was around. It all started to make sense to them why Namjoon was walking around the entire school asking strangers weird questions.

While he was telling them about Jimin's behaviour when Yoongi walked into the dance studio earlier, the man in question walked in. Namjoon quickly stood up to try and stop him from going to his room. He had lived with him long enough to know he'd just lock himself up for days, if not weeks. Unfortunately, before he could do anything Yoongi flew past him, right into his room, locking the door. He sighed and defeatedly slumped back into his seat. "He does that a lot, doesn't he? Locking himself up like this" Seokjin sighed too when he looked away from Yoongi's door.

"Yeah. He doesn't like to talk when he's upset. Sometimes he just disappears for a few days." Namjoon felt so bummed out he couldn't stop Yoongi, he missed the slight smile on Seokjin's face.

"I think I know where he ran off to, and it probably explains Jimin's strong reaction to him as well." Just with that sentence, he had everyone's attention. Seokjin seemed surprised by his friends' reaction. "Don't tell me you didn't notice." They all looked expectantly Seokjin's way. "Notice what Hyung?" Jeongguk carefully asked.

Seokjin huffed. "And I thought I was slow... I mean the relationship Jimin and Yoongi had. I'm pretty sure he wasn't helping Jimin with his daily stretching when he yelled I couldn't enter his bedroom." He rolled his eyes.

Namjoon sat up straight. "You think they were dating?" He felt his heart drop. It would explain his emotional reaction when they were in Jimin's apartment. He felt his throat constrict a little. A wave of heavy emotions washed over him. His own roommate never told him he was dating anyone, but more than that, his best friend just lost someone very dear to him in such a horrendous way, we wouldn't even want this to happen to his worst enemy.

No one answered Namjoon's question, they all deemed it obvious so it stayed quiet for a while. Only the soft sound of music coming from Yoongi's room could be heard. Which meant it was quite loud considering they both soundproofed their rooms, making sure they wouldn't disturb the neighbours and each other.

After they all concluded there wasn't anything left to say, for now, Seokjin got up, signalling the other three boys to do the same. They got their coats, Taehyung never leaving Jeongguk's side and Hoseok still as uncharacteristically quiet. Namjoon exchanged phone numbers with Seokjin, just in case Jimin would come back to him. After they said their goodbyes they left.

Namjoon slowly walked back to the living room, feeling both drained and devastated. He never expected it to end so... cruel. He finally let out a few sobs he didn't know he was holding in. Cruel was exactly the word he was looking for. It was too cruel for an innocent young man to die so soon and in so much pain. It was too cruel to lose someone in such a dishonouring way. It was all just too cruel and Namjoon couldn't help but cry.

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