Over the Edge

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Jackie's POV

"Drop it, or I kill the man" Sao Feng states putting a sword to a man's throat.

"Kill him, he's not our man" Barbossa tells him.

"If he's not with you, and not us" Will starts.

"Who's he with?" I finish. Suddenly East India Trading Company soldiers bust into the room and fighting erupts.

"Stay close" Barbossa tells me and I nod my head. We go back to back fighting the soldiers with our swords. Soon Will and Elizabeth join us. Soldiers prepare to fire at us, but the floor is blasted out from under them. The rest of our group appear shooting the soldiers.

We then all run outside. "Meet at the docks" I tell the others and we split up. Me going with Barbossa. We're cornered by the EITC soldiers. But a firework launches into shack full of fireworks behind them, which explodes.

"Thank you Jack" Barbossa tells his monkey who screeches happily. Jack the monkey jumps onto my shoulder. We make it to the docks where the others meet us. Except Will isn't alone, he has Singaporean pirates and the charts.

"You have the charts?" I say surprised.

"And better yet, a ship and a crew" he states tossing the charts to Barbossa.

"Where's Sao Feng?" Elizabeth asks him.

"He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove" Will states.

"This way, quick" the Singaporean pirate beside Will tells us. We reach the ship and head out to open sea. I grab Will and drag him to the captain's cabin.

"You weren't suppose to be caught" I tell him firmly.

"It worked out the way, I wanted" he states.

"What do you mean by that?" I demand. "Will, our job is to rescue my fiance. So that I can marry him as soon as possible" I state.

"Why are you so bent on marrying him so quickly?" he asks me confused. I sigh placing a hand on my stomach. "Jackie, you're pregnant?" he asks me.

"Yes, Barbossa has been protecting me because of it. It's why I have to marry Jack as soon as possible. Besides we're already engaged and love each other" I state. "If you jeopardize this mission Will, I'll never forgive you" I add before leaving the room.

I head over to Elizabeth and look out at the sea with her. "Are you ok Jackie?" she asks me.

"I will be once we have Jack back" I state.

"You really love him, don't you?" she asks me.

"Yes, he's my fiance and we were going to marry soon" I tell her smiling. "Once he's back, we can marry" I state.

"I'm sorry Jackie" she tells me.

"Nothing to be sorry about, it's not like you made him stay behind to face the kracken" I tell her. Just then Tia Dalma came over and asked to speak to me. "We'll talk later Elizabeth" I say and leave with Tia Dalma.

"We'll reach snow in a couple of days, you'll need to stay inside then" Tia tells me.

"But..." I try to protest.

"No, think of the baby" she tells me firmly and I sigh.

"Ok, I'll stay inside" I assure her.

(Nearly a week later)

We've been on the sea for nearly a week and we've passed the snow. But I have no idea where we are now. I see Will and Elizabeth talking in hushed tones. Suddenly we start to gain speed. "Barbossa! Ahead!" Will shouts.

"Aye, these be the waters I know. We're good and lost now" Barbossa states.

"Lost?" Elizabeth and I ask worried.

"For certain you have to be lost, to find a place as can't be found. Else ways everyone would know where it was, aye?" he tells us. I guess that makes sense.

"We're gaining speed!" Gibbs shouts.

"To stations! All hands! To stations!" Will shouts. "Rudder full! Hard a-port! Gather way and keep her trim!" he orders.

"Belay that! Let her run straight and true!" Barbossa orders the crew.

"You've doomed us all" Elizabeth states. Barbossa ties himself to the railing and holds me.

"Don't be so unkind! Ye may not survive to pass this way again and these be the last friendly words ye'll hear" he tells her.

"Hold on!" I shout to the others as we start to go over the edge. Barbossa just laughs as we go over the edge. I cry out with the others as the ship plummets down into blackness.


Picture above of Tai Haung and his men. Picture on the external link of the Hai Peng at world's end.

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