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On the way back to the room, I noticed that there was a camera crew on campus. I wondered what that was for. Girls gone Wild? I'd like to see that come back. Who wouldn't like to see a good reel of different sets of titties? Ah, the early 2000s was ahead of its time. Soon enough, I had returned to my dorm and gotten ready for a shower. I texted Cam and Tracey about it. I wondered if they knew anything about the crew. I had an idea of what they were there for, but I wanted to see if anyone else knew for sure.

Cam had responded just before I had gotten out of the shower. Apparently the camera crew is here to scout people for some reality show. Not Girls Gone Wild as I had presumed. Once I had cleaned myself off and washed my face, I had gotten dressed. Now I was in a plain black wifebeater and some royal purple basketball shorts. I decided to put my hair up because I wanted to first take a nap, and then get started on my homework, completely free of any distraction provided by KP. I made myself comfortable on my bed and played on my phone until I fell asleep.

A few hours later, I'm woken up by the sound of what sounds like heavy sobs. I rolled over and tried to see if it was Cam. I couldn't see her clearly, but I did see her silhouette. The only light that was coming in through the room was from the distant street lamp that was directly in front of the dorm. I watched as her shoulders jumped up and down, accompanied with deep breathes and eventual sobs. I decided I had better get up and console her. I hated dealing with people and their emotions, but it really sounds like Cam could use a friend. I sit up and turn my lamp on. Once I looked back at her, I noticed that she had probably been crying for a while. I didn't know how I should approach her. Would she be willing to talk? Would she shut down? Would she yell at me to mind my own business? I didn't know but I was going to try.

"Cam, you okay?" I asked, talking softly. I was sure she knew I was awake by now, but still. I felt it would be best to talk in a calming, reassuring tone.

She was facing the wall, sitting with her legs crossed. I could see she was holding her head up with one hand, while the other rested beside her. When I called her name, she turned slightly to the side, but never fully turned around to face me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she musters. From the back, it looked like she had wiped her tears.

"You sure? You wanna talk about it?" I asked.

Then Cam takes a deep breath. "No, I'm cool."

"Okay, just making sure. If you ever wanna talk, feel free to just let it out, you know? Anytime. It doesn't matter when— even if I'm asleep. Wake me up."

Cam chuckles softly, and finally turns around. "Wake you up, huh? That's real nice of you. I would never tell anybody that."

I laugh too. "Hey, I'd rather be woken up to you shaking me, rather than you crying all hard."
"My bad for waking you up. I didn't mean to." Cam says.
"Don't apologize for that ever again. I know emotions are hard to control. It's not like you want to be bawling your eyes out while your roommate is sleeping."

"Well, you're right. I don't. But still. I'm, um... grieving. People, relationships, that whole thing."

I bite my lip. "I know losing your mom must've been so hard. I've never been through a loss, but I imagine it's been so tough."
Cam takes a deep breath. "Let's hope you're always imagining that shit, okay? It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. Maybe the hardest."

I looked on to see what else Cam would say.

"Kleo is really done with me this time, Gwen. I really think I've fucked up really bad."

"You did, but so what? That's over, find somebody else to focus on."

Cam shook her head. "My God, you just reopened that wound."

TRU Life: Freshman Year (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now