Movies and Chill

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I had just finished getting dressed up to go to the movies with Cam, Tracey, and Alexis. I felt like I owed it to them anyway, seeing as I bailed on them yesterday. So today, we're going to the movies to catch "Get Out". I grabbed my small book bag, my keys, and my phone and stand by the room door. "Cam, come on, we're gonna be late!" I said. Cam had yet to put her shoes on, but literally she had changed her clothes and braided her hair. All the girl had to do was put her damn feet in some shoes. "What? I was waiting for you."
I rolled my eyes. "That's nice of you but I finished a half-hour ago. Get off your phone so we can go!" I said again, before opening the door for Tracey and Alexis. "Hey, y'all. We'll be out in a second. Miss Slowpoke here has to put her shoes on."
"Fuck you." Cam shouts, while we all laugh. A few minutes later, we all headed down the hallway to catch the Uber. I walked up to the car to see if its tag matched the one on the Uber app.   "Greg?"
"Yeah", the man replies. I couldn't see what he looked like because of how dark it was outside so I had no idea whether the driver matched the guy in the app.
"Great." I said, opening the door and getting in. Once everybody is in the car, we pull off. About ten minutes later, we were at the theater. Alexis was all too ready to hop out the car, as she had been subjected to Cam's overt flirting the whole time we were riding.
"Cam. Stop." I warned, as I noticed Alexis' annoyed facial expression. I thank Greg as I hop out of the car. Then, he pulls off. We all make our way to the theater and stand outside of it, getting our wallets out so we could pay for our tickets. As we walked into the theater, Cam told us to put our wallets away. We found out that there was a sale on tickets, and Cam decided she could pay for everybody. Alexis was stern about paying for her own things, so no one would be able to hold this over her head. Cam stepped in front of her. "Put your wallet away. I said I got the tickets." she said, before turning around to everyone else.
"I got tickets, but y'all hoes are on your own for snacks!" she warned. She then turned back to Alexis. "I got your snacks, though." she said with a smile, hopping in line for the tickets. Tracey sighs in disappointment, having witnessed Cam take an obvious interest in Alexis. "I don't understand. Why is she so persistent with trying to get with a straight girl when I'm literally right in front of her?"
"Don't even worry about all that. If she doesn't pay attention to you, so what?  Find somebody that will. Don't ever put your worth in somebody else's hands. Ever." I said, furrowing my brows. As cool as I thought Cam was, I didn't think she was worth getting all sad over. Tracey can do so much better! "Now, what do you want from the concession stand?" I asked, earning a big grin. "I want nachos and crunchables." I nodded my head. That was doable. So, I went to the concession stand and picked up Tracey's snacks, as well as my own. As Cam makes her way from the concession stand with her and Alexis' snacks, we all headed to room 19. It was a dimly lit but still easy to see what was happening. The few overhead lights and the light decorated aisles were enough to guide us to seats directly in the middle of the theater. I was the second to last person to sit down. First sat Alexis, then Cam, then me, and lastly Tracey. Not long into the movie was I horrified. I was not a person that could do suspense movies at all! I thought it was hilarious to be scared, especially with a bunch of friends so we could laugh together, but in the moment it's no fun. I jumped multiple times, as did Tracey. Now we're all hugged up like some scared ass kids, meanwhile Cam is watching with a bored expression on her face. Alexis didn't seem to be scared at all, she was eating this shit up. I guess Cam expected her to jump into her arms or some shit. What a mess. I turn my attention back to the movie and soon enough it ends. We stood up after the credits and collected our trash. Then, we walked outside of the room and threw our stuff away. "I got Uber this time." offered Alexis. "Sweet!" I replied,  stretching. Gaaahdamn. I was stiff from sitting for all that time. I glanced at my phone clock. It was 10:03 by the time the Uber showed up. On the way back, I noticed Cam wasn't engaged as she normally is, only interjecting when we asked her a question. Girl, way to kill the mood. I was gonna have to talk to her once we got out of the car.

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