My Friend, KP

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KP takes her headphones and smiles at me. "Just the person I needed to see." she starts off. She was wearing a white muscle shirt along with some dark red basketball shorts. She also sported some red and black sneakers. I try to take control of the situation right away, so KP wouldn't ask me "out", again. "It's so early, what you doing out here?" I asked.
"I'm jogging."
"Aw, shit. Lowkey, I should be jogging but my soul just won't allow it."
KP cracks up laughing. "We can still try it one day. Um, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday. I wanted to apologize."
"You don't even need to do that." I said, feeling guilty at myself. "I shouldn't have let it get that far."
"I just felt like I came on too strong and it freaked you out."
"You know what's funny?" I asked rhetorically. "I actually liked it. It's a nice change to do that instead of tiptoeing around each other like we don't like what we see, wasting literal years of our time. It was just... different. I never imagined I'd be getting freaky in the middle of a library. That was unlike me and that's what freaked me out."

KP nods her head. "I understand. It was just hard not to blame myself while I was getting ignored." she said.
"Oh, please." I said, automatically. "It was what, fifteen hours, total? I guess I won't do that anymore." I said, chuckling. "Good." KP replied. "So let's hang out again. Yesterday was fun."
"I'm not on that type of time today," I said. "You fine and everything, but I'm gon need a bit more time to hate myself for what happened yesterday." KP chuckles. "I'm fine?" she asked. "Don't get all weird and act like you haven't heard that before. I know you got a roster of girls." I said, rolling my eyes. KP just giggles. "I've never heard someone be so straightforward with me about that. Usually they drop every hint in the world until my dumb ass catches on. And a roster? Please." she says, dismissively. "What are you doing tonight?" she asks. "Seeing a movie with my roommate." I replied.
"What time?"
"Abouuuut... 8:30."
"So, I'll see you at 11?" she asks.
"That's a booty call hour!" I exclaimed, laughing.
"I mean, it could be a booty call, or we can just do late night friend stuff." There was a hint of seduction in KP's voice. If I wasn't sure of it by her voice, I knew she was flirting when she winked.
"You're a feisty one." I said, acknowledging how persistent she was. "I like it!" I replied, halfway surprised at myself for saying it aloud.
"Where you going, to the caf?" KP asked. "Yeah, I bet you're hungry after all that running. Come with me." I suggested. A small smile crept on KP's lips. "Okay!" she says, as we both start heading in the same direction.

We get into the cafe, where Tracey sees me and waves. I wave back to her. "Whatchu want? I'll go and get it while you talk to your friend over there." KP says.
"You will? That's sweet. I want a butter toasted bagel with bacon and cream cheese in the middle. And a lemonade. And some eggs... yeah, fried. Got all that?" I asked.
"Yeah, now go. I'll bring the food over."
"Okay, and thank you, you're the best!" I said, giving her a small smile as I damn near run everyone else over to get to Tracey.
"Hey. Who's the girl?" she asks, crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes. "New friend. Remember when I was meeting with somebody last night? That's her."
Tracey's eyes got wide. "You talkin' about friend or friend?"
"Friend." I replied. "Just caught her outside this morning and got hungry."
Tracey looks at KP again. "Ooh, she fine. Since y'all friends, gon' and hook me up, then." I cracked up.
"What happened to Cam?"
"That girl does not want me. I tried literally everything last night to get her to notice me. But nothing worked. And I was so confused. It's not like I'm the baddest bitch of all time, but I feel like I'm cute."
"You are." I confirmed.
"Usually it doesn't take me this long to get someone's attention."
I shrugged. "You were only alone with Cam for a few hours yesterday. She probably needs more time, fast ass." I said giggling partly at my own hypocrisy. "Uh, as far as KP goes, you can try to shoot your shot, and see what happens."
I didn't feel any kind of way about Tracey having her eyes on KP. Shit, the game is the game. I didn't want anything serious so if KP and Tracey ever had a thing, I was gon' be cool. Can't be out here claiming these hoes, that's how we get caught up. Titles are meant for books and job positions. Not romantic relationships. A few minutes later, KP joined Tracey and I at one of the tables. Tracey hinted to me that  she wanted me to introduce her to KP with a slight nudge on the elbow. "Thank you." I said, as she handed me my things and sat down. "KP, this is my friend Tracey. And Tracey, this is my friend KP."
KP reaches her hand across the table, meeting Tracey's. "Nice to meet you."
"Pleasure to meet you as well." Tracey replied, changing her voice to sound more seductive. KP glances at me because she noticed what Tracey was doing and thought it was odd. I just shrugged slightly and took a bite of my bagel.
This bagel is good as fuck. It was toasted with butter and that tasted delicious against the bacon and cream cheese. I had completely zoned out while Tracey and KP maintained friendly conversation. Then, I just started to dance in my chair, that's how good this damn bagel was.
"You enjoying yourself, over there?" Asked KP, raising her brow and smiling at the same time. I only respond with taking a big ol' bite of my bagel, while staring a hole in her soul. This bagel made me feel lustful. Since when has food ever been up there with sex? KP only smirked, pursing her lips to conceal any further reaction, mostly to keep Tracey from noticing what was happening. "Aw, dammit." Tracey says, looking up from her phone. "I gotta take this call. I'll see you later." she says, taking her trash with her. "And KP, it was nice to meet you." she says, before taking off into the crowd of people.
"Did you see what she was doing?"
"What, flirting? Yeah." I popped the last bit of my bagel sandwich into my mouth.
"Don't you find it odd that your friend is hitting on people you're involved with?" I chewed my food as I shrugged in response.
"No. What would I be mad for?" I asked.
KP shook her head. "Man, where I'm from, there's just a line you don't cross."
"Where you from?" I asked.
"North Carolina."
Okay, new fact about my 'friend'. That makes, what, five things I know about her? Here's all I could recall.
1. Her government name is Kibrina Philips.
2. She's an Elementary Education major.
3. She's an athlete.
4. She's a coach for little kids.
And yeah, I guess number 5 would be that she is from North Carolina.
"I probably don't see the big deal in all of that because I'm not looking for anything, really. I just wanna have fun, at this point." I said. "She fine as hell, ain't she?" I asked KP,  who choked a little on her drink. I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to be all bashful about it, facts are just facts. In fact, if you wanted to deal with her, you definitely could, no problem. Just let me know if it gets serious so I can find somebody else." I say.
"Wait a minute, Gwen. How did we get all the way to pursuing a relationship with Tracey? I don't want that girl. I want you." I didn't really wanna hear that shit, to be honest. I mean, it was nice that somebody liked me or at least wanted to get to know me and me only. I just don't want her to make declarations like that when she doesn't even have to. "We can hang out and all that. Let's just leave it at that. Let's not put any rules on it, right now. Don't worry about trying to staying monogamous . Just do whatever you want, and I'll do whatever I want. If it gets serious, it gets serious. For right now, I don't wanna hear no bullshit if you see me with somebody else, and I won't be on no bullshit if I see you with somebody else. Is that a deal?" I ask KP, who seemed stunned at what I was saying. I liked new, blunt me. Apparently hiding my feelings had done me no good, so when I speak them now I feel much better. Also, it seems to be received so much better. I flash a smile at KP. "Is that a deal?" I repeated.
"Yeah." KP replied. "Can I tell you something? I like that matter of fact shit. Tell it like it is!" She said, growling at the end. I laughed and finished the rest of my food. I was going to say 'bye' to KP and be on my way, but she luckily caught me before I started to say anything. "So , see you at 11?" she called out. "Yeah. See you then!" I said, walking out.

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