Artsy Fartsy

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Bridget had sat next to me, and I was trying to get myself together. I was experiencing two extremes-- love and hatred. Finally, I decided to take a breath. After all, I don't think I ever gave Bridget a chance. Yes, she had been nothing but annoying to be around, but I had never gotten personal with her. Maybe Cam was right. Maybe to know her is to love her. Maybe she is less insufferable once she knows you. I just didn't know people could be so annoying right away. Something put me off about Bridget, and I'm positive that her 'everything is about me, me, me' attitude had alot to do with it. Physically, I was present at a table with Bridget, Iggy, and Tracey, but mentally I wasn't. I zoned out when the teacher explained his expectations of us. I was tired of this routine already. I already know the professors want us to show up to every class and do the work. I already know they want us not to get into arguments with others. I just want to get into the nitty gritty. We're in art class for fuck's sake. I wanna paint shit. I wanna draw. I wanna make shit out of clay. I sighed as I tried not to let my impatience force me to interrupt the lecture.

Luckily for us, halfway into the class period, Bigazo had passed out a questionnaire for us to fill out with our table mates. He assigned everyone partners— we had to work with the person who sat on the same side of the table as us. Of course, life wouldn't give me any real opportunity to speak to Iggy-- I had to work with Bridget. I decide that it would be less time consuming if I just got through this questionnaire, rather than lamenting on how much I didn't want to do it.

"Okay," I said, turning to Bridget."Do you wanna go first, or should I?"

"Definitely me." she says, getting out a pen. It looked to be a velvet covered pen with a pink puffball at the top.

"The first question is.... in terms of art, what is your favorite thing to do?"

"Paint. You?" I asked, picking up my pencil, prepared to record her answer.

"Oh photographty, definitely." she replies, flipping her hair.

Hmm. Interesting.

"That's cool. What do you normally take pictures of?"

"Myself, of course. I like to document my outfits and makeup looks and such. Y'know, I have a blog and my followers definitely need to see it."

"Followers, eh?" I say.

"Yup. 14,000 and counting!"

I rolled my eyes as discreetly as I could.

"Okay, my turn. What is a famous painting or picture that you really like?"

"To be completely honest, I don't even think I have one."

"Okay," I said.

"..Like, you know..." she begins again. "I see alot of pretty pictures and everything but nothing ever spoke to me, ya know?"
She looks at me for confirmation, as if she wasn't sure if she was making any sense.

"I get what you're saying. My favorite is 'In Blue' by Wandissily Kandinsky."

"I'm sorry... wh-what's his name? Wanda?"

I chuckle. "Wandissily Kandinsky. Just write down Kandinsky. Bigazo will get it."

"So, what is the painting of? Water? Like different shades of blue?"

"Well, it's a bunch of random, colorful shapes and they're surrounded by a sea of blue. It's random, and it seems easy to do, but I bet it ain't."

"Ah.. interesting." Bridget said, obviously not knowing what I'm talking about. I just pull it up on my phone, and show it to her.

"That? That's your favorite of all time?" Bridget said, clearly not impressed.

"Mmm.. I don't know if I would say all that, but it is definitely a recent favorite."

TRU Life: Freshman Year (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now