Chapter 8 | Tyler

Start from the beginning

One has his hands on her waist while she leans down, the other smirks at his friend.
Grace looks uncomfortable and I walk over to intervene.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

The guy looks over and his face changes,  it's the little shithead from the kitchen who poured her a drink. His hands let go of Grace and he stumbles back.

"Sorry dude"

He elbows his friend "bro let's go!"

They both run away and I turn my attention to Grace, who doesn't look good at all.

"You okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"Ty...Tyler I don't feel good"

I freeze when she says Ty, she's never called me that before, but I don't have time to think about it, I nod at her.

"Okay, come here"

I hold my hands up and she leans down. I grab her and lift her down to the ground

"are you going to throw up? Can you make it home?"

She shakes her head frantically.

"no! I can't go home drunk, not to Leo"

I grind my teeth when she says that assholes name I'm pissed she's even staying with him she shouldn't be fucking going home to him at all.

"we'll go back to mine"

She nods her head slowly and starts to look around.


I just shake my head "Joey will get her" and he will. I usually end up leaving parties early when I have shit to do and Joey ends up bringing the girls home.

I grab Grace's hand and tug her behind me walking over to Joey.

"I'm taking her home, you got Ally and Katie?!"

He smirks at me, but nods.

"yeah not a problem"

I thank him and head out dragging Grace by the hand behind me. We get to my car and I help her get situated before heading around to my side.

Grace looks at me "y your being nice to me?"

She hiccups and giggles making me half smile, I like that she's not so fucking nervous right now.

"You're drunk" I state and she nods.

"b but that doesn't mean you have to be nice to me"

That annoys me a little bit, because she's right and I don't have to be nice to her and if I want her to hate me I probably shouldn't be. And that's what I want right? I want her to hate me so I don't hurt her.

"Did you want me to leave you with those two?"

She blinks at me before looking down at her hands in her lap.

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