Chapter 49- Detention

Start from the beginning

"You wanted to talk to me?" I ask him.

He puts down some papers he was correcting then looks at me, "Ms. Fischer, your behavior was unacceptable and I expect you to be more considerate. If you don't understand how to do something simply just ask, don't make jokes about it. With that being said you will have detention after school."

"Of course I do," I say under my breath so my teacher can't hear. "Okay."

I don't give him time to respond and I make my way to my next class with the bitch in it. Purposefully I take my time since I already know today will be absolute hell. Especially since the beginning of the day has already been terrible. Soon the door to the classroom appears in my vision and I take a deep breath in hopes it will calm me down. Slowly opening the door and peering inside I don't see Destiny but her posse is sitting at their respective table. So I make my way to my seat and sit there.

By the time class finished Destiney is still gone and none of her posse has made a rude comment to me which is weird. They all just gossiped all hour about anything they could think of and I heard them go as far to just straight up make up some new shit to talk about. The rest of the school day is dreadful and boring since Bo left before lunch started. He had a mission assignment which also meant I didn't see him during my last two classes either. Now I'm sitting in detention with some other kid who is constantly smacking his gum annoyingly. I've been so close to getting up and kicking him in the face to shut him up. Also, the teacher isn't even in the room because he has meetings but I know very well if I tried to leave the other kid in here would just tell him.

The teacher also took our phones with him because he doesn't trust us that much so I'm stuck here looking blankly at the front of the room.

"Your Layla correct?" the boy speaks to me.

"Yah... why?" I ask him suspiciously.

The guy turns around so I can finally get a good look at his face. He has very light blonde almost white hair with hazel eyes that has thick black rimmed glasses framing them. He also has very tan skin with some freckles on his face.

He gets up and sits next to me, "I was just curious."

"And you expect me to believe that?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I never told you you had to."

I roll my eyes, "Just get your point."

"Well your very pretty and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" he gives me a small smile.

"I have a boyfriend."

"I know."

I look at him with a surprised expression, "And I'm not gonna cheat on him."

The guy starts to laugh while holding his stomach and I'm confused what is even going on.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" he continues to laugh his ass off while I stare at him blankly.

Once he finally stops laughing I start talking again, "First off I don't even know your name and second off your pissing me off."

"I'm Daniel. I'm in Masons gang so I know everything about you," he winks at me suggestively.

"Fuck off."

He smiles mischievously, "I'd gladly fuck you if that's an option."

"I'd rather not. Especially since your associated with Mason," I check the time to see we still have ten minutes left.

"Well, if I were being perfectly honest, I hate Mason either just as much or possibly more then you. I have to earn cash some how and being good at hacking things already set up the possibility of doing illegal things. Of course that's why I'm in the gang. The only alright person is Jackson the rest are dicks, including your boyfriend," Daniel rambles then finally stops talking while I register what he said.

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