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Telling Hinata that you're have fun so long as you're with her made her smile. You had the feeling she took the compliment as platonic instead of romantic but you were okay with it. At least at the moment. You weren't exactly sure how you were going to feel about things later but right now, you were happy, and you wanted to enjoy what was happening in the here and now.

Hinata finished her beverage and waited for you to finish yours.

"Would you like a pastry or a snack from here before we go?"

"Hmm. I would really like one of their small cake desserts."

"Their cake pops?"


"Which flavor?"

"Surprise me, please?"

"You got it."

"I'll wait for you outside." Hinata stood up and made sure the table was clean before exiting the cafe. You walked back up to the cashier to get her the treat she asked for. You bought two different flavors and walked out.

"I got you two of the new flavors. I thought we could try them together during our walk."

She thanked you as she gently took the bag with the treats inside. You two made your way over to the greener areas and the playground was in view. That was when she took out the cake pops and took a bite. She sounded happy after taking the first bite. It made you want to have some of it. That was when she offered. You both stopped walking to make sure the pastry didn't fall. You slowly took a bite and felt her watching you as you took a slow bite. This wasn't the first time you two have shared food like this but this moment felt different somehow.

When you stood back up, you saw her face was a little rosy. Was she blushing? You stood there for a moment trying to process.

"Was it good?" She asked without looking at you. She looked like she was trying to cover her face with the cake pop but with no avail. You smiled a little and didn't mention the reaction on her face.

"It was really good. Perfect for the warm weather. Good thing it is a little breezy and not humid today."

"I think so too. It does feel very refreshing to eat. Wanna try the second one? You can take the first bite."

"It's okay. You go for the first bite. That way I know if it's good or not." She pouted a little when hearing you rather she be the guinea pig. After the first cake pop was completely done, she placed the stick inside the same baggy and pulled out the second one. She took a small first bite and smiled too.

"This one is good too!" That was when the sun shined on her smile. You felt your cheeks slightly redden as your eyes widened a little bit. You didn't expect her reaction to look so glowy and beautiful at the same time. Now you were the one trying to hide your face.

"Hmm? (y/n)? Is there something wrong?"

What can you even say to her question? You didn't want to tell her your blushing because of how beautiful she just looked.

"Yeah! I'm fine! The sun just got in my face unexpectedly."

"But your eyes widened."

"Yeah! At the worst time. What terrible timing I have. Mind if I have a bite?" You asked trying to change the subject.

"Of course." She slightly extended her arm towards you and you bent down a little again to take another bite. That moment didn't feel the same as the previous but nice nonetheless. You stood back up and she was watching you to see your reaction.

"This one is also good."

"I told you." She responded as she started walking towards the playground while finishing the second cake pop. You followed with your hands in your pockets. You stayed behind her a little because you just wanted to watch her. You wanted to see her long dark hair go back and forth as she walked. Her dressed being pushed in multiple directions by the wind. Her face from the side as she observed her surroundings.

You just wanted to watch her and enjoy her company.

You two got to the playground and she recycled the baggy. You asked her if she wanted to be pushed on the swing and she nodded. She walked over and you followed her. She asked you to hold onto her bag as she swung. When she was comfortable on the swing, you slowly started to push her which gradually turned into softer shoves.

You heard her giggling.

It made you smiled. The higher she went the louder her laughs became.

It was funny. This was nice. The date turned out how you hoped it would. There was dinner next and it would be the last thing you two would do for the day. You planned to walk her home after. If her feet ended up hurting then you would carry her.

Your mind quickly rushed back to the carrying part because she did say that she had an extra paid in her purse. Now you were just hoping she'd forget so you could carry her on your back. You never minded carrying her. While you were busy imagining things that might not happen, you snapped back when you heard her ask you something.

"Would you want me to push you on the swing?"

You didn't think about being the one to be pushed but it did sound nice.

"Sure. You want to get off the swing?" She hummed to indicate that she was ready to swap. You held onto the chains to slowly stop the slide from swinging. When she stepped off, she took her purse back and watched as you sat on the slide. After you told her you were ready, she pushed you so hard that you fell off the swing.

"Oh no! I'm sorry!"

"Hinata!" You let out a big burst of laughter because of how unexpected that was. After hearing you laugh, she started laughing so hard that she had her arms around her stomach.

"I think we're ready for dinner."

"I think so too."

nothing without you. { hinata x male reader }Where stories live. Discover now