viente nueve.

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More years were passing by, and more couples were slowly becoming newlyweds. Soon after, they were beginning small families of their own.  It was nice to be a part of their memorable milestones. It was nice seeing their kids grow up. Especially Hinata's. It meant a lot to you to be there for their birthdays, school events, and spending quality time over the weekends. It got you emotional from time to time. You wondered where all the time was going. 

Boruto had grown up into a pretty bright kid. He knew his stuff here and there. Sadly, it didn't take you long to notice his somewhat difficult relationship with his father. It would take a lot for them to see eye to eye on things. Meanwhile, Himawari was a little gem. She was becoming a wonderful and strong young girl right before your eyes. It made you feel lucky to be a part of their lives. 

Although things seem to be going well for everyone, for the most part, it was hard managing things on your end some of the days. You and Rose have been putting in the time and effort to expand your family, but to no avail.

You felt terrible every time someone else announced their pregnancy. Of course, everyone was happy for them. But, you could imagine how much it hurt Rose because of the reminder of how challenging everything has been. Doctors encouraged us that it wouldn't be impossible and not to give up hope. But, it was easier said than done. There had definitely been some days when Rose wanted to give up all together and try expanding a different way. You would follow her lead here and there but encouraged her that it was going to happen for her. 

You also thought that maybe all of this was a sign. That it is meant to happen for Rose but, maybe not with you. Mainly because of where your heart continued to reside in. When those days rolled around, you kept wishing for you and your heart to get on the same page. You enjoyed being married to Rose. You two were working. But, your heart felt otherwise. You refused to come to grip with it, but at some point, you could not fight the truth.

You were still in love with Hinata.

Because you took an oath to Rose, you will move forward with loving and supporting her until she does not want to have a relationship with you. So, you made sure to keep loving her as hard as you could despite knowing how your heart really feels. 


Tonight was another night where you had just arrived home from another long day of training, and Rose mentioned that she had just gotten off the phone with Hinata. You were starting to feel confident that maybe you'd go up another rank, which would mean more money. But also, harder missions that you weren't sure if you were ready for.

It was one of those days where you wanted to sleep on things. Going on harder missions meant being away longer. That worried you because if you were away from Rose for too long, then things may really change.

You and Rose were getting ready for bed when she started filling you in on her conversation with Hinata. It was mostly about the kids, but there was definitely more that she wasn't sure exactly how to share with you. It also made you question when was the last time you were on the phone with Hinata talking about random stuff?

A long while. It seems you may have unconsciously felt that Rose becoming a close friend to Hinata was enough somehow. That maybe in a way she didn't need you the same way now that she had Rose? That didn't feel fair, though.

"Have you seen or spoken with Hinata recently?"

"I haven't. Why? Is something up?"

"Kinda. But I was mainly asking since I haven't seen you two talk in a long while."

nothing without you. { hinata x male reader }Where stories live. Discover now