Steven has made a new friend

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Anubi: We just arrived home from the museum moments ago. Where were you when we arrived? Answer me that.

The argument between the two was going on for a while, so I waited till they finished. Although the argument isn't getting anywhere, I decided to finish it instead.

Cleo: Enough!

That didn't work. So I threw a glass cup against the wall instead, and that got their attention. Finally. I was starting to get a headache from listening to the both of them. I calmed myself down and then started to talk.

Cleo: Thank-you for listening. This argument has gone on for long enough, so can you please do your job like a proper officer of the law.

That seemed to resolve some issues, but not all of them. I still want to know who did this and why they did it.

~ ~ ~

I returned back to the palace, and watched the scene of the aftermath unfold. As I was watching the scene unravel before me, it wasn't what I was expecting.

Smoky: What were you expecting to see when you destroyed the place?

June: I don't know. I was expecting mother and father to argue with each other, not father arguing with a police officer.

Smoky: You can do better and you should try doing so.

June: I'll see what I can do

Soon after that, I saw mother and father cleaning the house and I have a sudden and strange feeling about this. Or should I say, about Smoky. I'm not sure on what to think about him and starting to get small regrets about joining forces.

Smoky: And by the way, don't try and back out of this deal of ours. Once you agree to have these powers bestowed upon yourself, you can't go back. Ever.

I'm not sure on what to think now.

~ ~ ~

Once the house was finally cleaned up and the trashcans were full, we agreed to order something in for dinner instead of making something.

Cleo: Thank-you

Anubi: How long till it gets here?

Cleo: Thirty to forty minutes tops, so feel free to find something else to do before our dinner gets here.

Anubi: Cool

Steven lingered in the lounge room and I wondered what he was doing.

Cleo: What seems to be the problem, Steven?

Steven: I miss my sister, June. Will she come back to us?

Cleo: Of course she will, Steven. I know she will, you'll see.

Although I wasn't so sure if that was the case.

~ ~ ~

I heard what Mother and Steven were talking about, and mothers answer sounded a little too . . . unsure. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was going back myself. I try to come up with a new plan to distract myself and that plan seemed to fail.

Smoky: Try killing your brother if you want a plan

June: No! I want to find something else to do, killing him will be my very last resort if time comes to it.

Smoky: Suit yourself then. Good luck with your planning.

June: Where are you going?

Smoky: Doing my own thing and I'm going to see if I can get rid of your brother for you.

June: You are not killing my brother. Just . . . cause an incident where he injures himself, but not enough to kill him.

Smoky: . . .

I go back to watching my mother and brother and when I do, I see them getting along like a family should. When the thought of my mother and I being like that enters my mind, my heart squeezes inward and it feels terrible. I don't want to be like this anymore, but if I go back to them, they will continue to treat me the same way they did before.

I banish the thought from my mind and try to focus on the task at hand. I need to find a way to break my mother's spirit so I can defeat her without incident, and I have just the plan. But first, I need to find something to help contribute to the plan I have in mind.

~ ~ ~

Cleo: How was school today, Steven?

Steven: Amazing!

Cleo: Why was it amazing?

Steven: I made a friend and you got to meet her on the same day.

Cleo: I am happy that you brought her to meet me. I'm proud to hear such fabulous news about your day Steven.

Steven: All in a day's work

'I'm so proud of you, Steven. I only wish that June could be like you in a sense'

Anubi: Are you okay, Cleo? Do you need to go and lay down?

Cleo: Oh . . . S-Sorry. Please excuse me. I'm going to have a rest and see if I can get an early nights rest before tomorrow.

I get ready for bed and when I get into it, I can't seem to sleep. I guess that losing June has taken a bigger tole on me than I have previously thought.

~ ~ ~

When I get into bed, Cleo is still awake and I'm starting to worry about her. I guess she's more of an over-thinker than I had previously thought.

Anubi: Are you . . . okay, Cleo?

Cleo: . . .

Anubi: How can I help you?

Cleo: Can you bring June back from Exaton's previously thought future?

'She has me on that one'

Anubi: Still thinking of June, huh?

Cleo: She hasn't left my thoughts for a moment. There is a bond that exists between mother and child, with no end to how strong it can grow and to break it there is no greater pain. If there were something to break that bond, I will surely lose myself.

Anubi: . . .

Cleo: What is it, Anubi?

Anubi: It's just . . . I'm starting to be worried about her as well. It feels like I have got this whole in my heart, what is it?

Cleo: It means you care for our daughter, June. Any parent would feel that way if they've lost someone or something they care for so much.

There were no words that needed to be spoken in that moment, and I guess there didn't need to be any. I think this is the first time I have ever truly cared about anything before. I think I'm starting to finally understand feelings a bit more, because when you truly care for something or someone, you start to feel certain ways and are not sure on how to act on them.

'This must be how Cleo feels right now'

Cleo: Anyways, I should be getting some sleep. Goodnight, Anubi.

Anubi: Goodnight, Cleo.

Children of the Egyxos Fairyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن