"What can I say? It was the perfect target."

"Did you just say that he has a perfect ass?" Natasha asked, causing both our faces to grow hot at the question.

"N-No! Why would a nerd like him have an ass worth looking at?" With that, he left, leaving me very confused. "What is going on with the guys around here?"


'Helping them train was just playing fetch their weapons, water, and lunch with Clint using my butt as a moving target. It was kind of boring. Hopefully, today will be more eventful. Looking in the folder, it looked like I was helping Tony Stark. I felt a bit nervous from when we first met. The way he looked at me... I didn't know whether to be flattered or scared. I think I was a bit of both. And that freaked me out the most.' Peter thought with a small shudder. Taking a deep breath, the brown-eyed teen knocked on the office door. When there was no answer, he knocked again. Sighing out, he opened the door, popping his head in. "Mr. Stark? . . . He's not even here! JARVIS?"

"Yes, Mr. Parker?"

"Where is Mr. Stark?"

"Hiding from Ms. Potts in his workshop."

"Is there any way I can go down there?"

"I shall ask."

After a few minutes, he decided to go down there himself. "JARVIS. Is everything alright?" He asked, pressing a button in the elevator. His Spidey Senses were going crazy for some reason and he didn't like the twisting filling in his gut.

"Mr. Stark is not responding."

Panic rushed through Peter's body as the feeling intensified. Something was definitely wrong. "How fast can you get me there?"

"Hold onto something please."

Quickly, the brunette grabbed onto a metal bar behind him. The elevator dropping at an alarming and dangerous speed. A few seconds passed before it stopped, making him smack into the floor. "Shit! That hurt... the landing could have been better."

"The fastest I can get you here is 3.7 seconds. The door is unlocked and I have tried to reach 911 but it will not connect. Shall I alert the other Avengers and the tower's medical wing?"

"Yes please, thank you JARVIS." Once the door opened, he ran into the lab and over to an almost unconscious Tony Stark. His skin was a sickly, pale color. His eyes were half closed and breathing was fast and shallow.

"Oh my god. What happened?" Looking around, his eyes went wide when he saw a syringe and needle. "Not good." Putting the older brunette in a chair, Peter lightly tapped his cheek. "Mr. Stark? Stay with me. Please." Holding back tears, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw the billionaire's eyes open a bit more. "You're going to be the death of me."

"Funny. Cause that's basically what he'll be if you stick around much longer." Whipping around, Peter came face to face with the one and only Deadpool. Looking, the older male gasped. "Baby boy."

"Wait what? Why did you just call me baby b-" His question was cut short as the masked man grabbed his face, shushing his cheeks.

"Look at that baby face. I'd lose the glasses but they still work for you. One of the hottest nerds I've ever seen. The face of an angel."

Confused and a bit creeped out, Peter smacked his hands off him and just started a now shocked mercenary. "We don't have time for this. Be weird after we figure this out. What did you do to him?"

"Holy shit, you're not afraid of me. You just smacked my hands away... Oh! I injected him with a high dose of tranquilizer. A lot of it too."

"What the fuck?! Why?!"

"To save his life. Duh. Some very bad people are after him and he gets in the way of my unaliving of them. Tony Stark is safe and I get paid. There are also some really bad baddies off of the street. I'm such a genius. Score one for Deadpool."

".... You do know that that much tranquilizer, especially at such a high dose, will shock his system and most likely kill him, right?"

"Oh... FUCK!"

"Where did you inject him? We have to get it out of his system as soon as possible."

"In the neck. Where it looks a bit red. How are you going to get it out anyway?"

"Same way you get the venom out of a snakebite. Suck it out... I hope." Without a second thought, Peter sat next to him and connected his lips to Tony's neck, sucking on the spot.

"I know the timing is wrong, but this kind of hot."

'I can feel it going down my throat. It burns.' He thought, starting to get dizzy. He watched as Tony started to slowly come back to reality.

Groaning a bit, he looked at the brunette sucking on his neck. Suddenly there was a mix of gunshots and yelling.

"Oh man, baby boy, you better hurry up with that and get the two of you out of here." Once all of it was out, Peter pulled back, falling off his stool. "And... he's fucking high as a kite."

Doing his best, Tony stood and helping the young man stand. "Come on kid. I need you to stay with me. Give me a sign that you're still kickin'."

Shaking his head slowly trying to focus, Peter worked through the haze a bit. "Mr. Stark...?"

"Yeah. I'm here kid."

".... Get down."


A few of clarity was all Peter needed to sense the bullet coming their way. "Get down!" Pushing him down, Peter didn't have enough warning to have time to dodge the bullet himself, it grazes his arm. Giving a hiss of pain, he dropped to the ground, everything going black.

"There! All done!" Looking over, Deadpool groaned. "Come on you two!" The rest of the team finally made it down there and took in the sight in front of them. "I can explain!"

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