Missing you

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heelloo, :) sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been so busy at school and I've had writers block so I had no idea what to write hahaa. hope you like it xx


Zayn's P.O.V


It's the whole day since I've seen or at least talked to Jacinta she said she was going to text me when she got to wherever she got to but she hasn't, I have no idea where she went and I'm started to get worried. I've been sitting on the end of my bed for at least half an hour staring at my phone and I've been thinkin about texting her, I've already typed up what I want to say to her but I just don't have the nerve or balls to send it. What's the worst that can happen? I just gotta grow a pair and send it.

The only reason I've been scared to send the text is because I'm scared of her response. I've only ever been this much inlove with someone in tenth grade, and look how that turned out Zayn. No, don't even compare them, she's not worth remembering. Just forget it, this always happens. You meet a girl, think you like her, remember Samantha and shy away. Don't do it again, don't be scared. She's worth it and I'm ready to let Jacinta in.

After staring at the message and re - reading it for the 18th time, I sent it.

I threw my phone across the bed like a teenage girl sending a text to the boy she's had a crush on forever and dropped onto my bed, it was starting to get late and the boys had all gone to bed, I was starting to get restless.

I got up from my bed, walked to the bathroom and stripped my clothes, I threw them off and turned the shower on, I cleaned myself, washed my hair and ten minutes later stepped out. I wrapped the towel around my waist and brushed my teeth. I walked out running my hand through my already messy quiff I reached my dresser and changed into a shirt and put on some trackpants, I spun around and jumped in horror.

"Sorry to scare you mate, I was getting up to go to bed and heard your shower running. I wanted to talk to you." Niall was leaning on the doorway in his boxers and t-shirt.

"Talk to me about what?" I asked him sitting on my bed and leaning my back againt the head board.


"Me?" Why me? I haven't done anything...

"Yeah, you. What's wrong buddy?" Niall came and sat on the end of my bed folding his legs and looking at me.

"Nothing's wrong" I was lying, I missed Jacinta and I'm scared she's avoiding me.

"I knew it" He told me chuckling

"I didn't say anything?" Niall errupted into a deep laugh and clenched his stomach.

"Wheeew, Y-your face, yeah you did. You just said to me you missed Jacinta and you're scared she's avoiding you." He said recovering from his laughing fit.

"I must of said it out loud." My cheeks instantly burnt red and I slapped my hands to them to try cool them down, it slowly worked. And I lowered my hands to look up at Niall grinning like a cheshire Cat.

"Listen, in my honest opinion go for it, she seems to make you happy and I haven't seen you happy with a girl for a while. Whenever one of us mention her your eyes sparkle and your mouth always twitches into a little smirk, I've noticed it and so have all of the boys. Go for it." He smiled at me while he got up to leave but I grabbed his wrist and turned him around.

"Thanks Nialler, I'm just scared the feelings not mutual." I let go of his wrist when I got his attention

"Trust me it is" He gave me another cheeky grin and winked before leaving and shutting the door.

Those four words lingered in my head as I climbed under the covers 'Trust me it is'

Jacinta likes me? she likes me. The girl I love, loves me back. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Wait, I forgot I texted her. I grabbed my phone and sure enough I had a message, her name came up and I grinned so much my face hurt.


Hey, I'm busy at the moment sorry. Text you later.

That was it. Nothing else. No smiles, or 'xo's nothing, I guess it's better than nothing.

With that I slipped under the covers and turned out the light and I felt myself drift into a calming sleep.


Jacinta's P.O.V


[A/N Loungeroom of Hotel on the side --->]

We finally arrived at the train station at milton keynes, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder I stepped out of the train with Casey beside me we made our way to the cab on the other side of the street and climbed in.

"Nearest hotel please." Casey said into the drivers window before returning to the back of the car to put her bags in the trunk we walked to the side and climbed into the back seat.

Shortly after we pulled up to a small but nice hotel

"Milton Keynes Travel Lodge Central Hotel" I slipped the driver a note and climbed out, grabbed my bag and made my way to the front door. We were greeted by a kind middle aged man

"Do you have a room for 2, just for the night?" I asked him with a smile, he typed away on his computer after about 20 seconds he looked up with a kind grin;

"We sure do, room 206 here's your keys. You need to check out before 6:00pm tomorrow night" He turned around and grabbed a key from the wall, he turned around and handed us them before looking back down at his desktop.

We finally reached our room and unlocked it. I swung the door open and instantly dropped my bags in the hall way and kicked off my shoes, I looked at the clock and it was only 12:36pm I walked into the loungeroom and jumped on the soft white couch and stretched my legs out and layed on my side. Casey walked in and looked at me with sympathy in her eyes, she gave me a reassuring smile which I kindly returned.

Casey took out her phone and started dialling someone, most likely Niall.

I was getting tired after the train trip so I decided to have a bit of a nap, I closed my eyelids. just a bit after sleep took over me.



This probably sucked, sorry. I was getting a bit bored hahah, tell me what you think xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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