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A/N Boring chapter but here you go:)

xx thanks for reading, please VOTE


~Zayn P.O.V~

The day wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, after you know. The whole kissing situation with Jacinta, I don't even know what came over me she was just there and I've been alone for so long and it just seemed like the perfect time to give it a shot, I mean she didn't pull back. Plus, I have feelings for her and I've longed to kiss her even if we've only known eachother for about 2 weeks who cares? 

She forgave me for the club mishappening and I explained it to her further throughout the day so she seemed fine with it, it was about 10am now and I'm walking down the hall back to my apartment, after Liam walked in I went for a shower had breakfast and helped Jacinta with tidying up the house a bit, wasn't a bad day so far if I do say so myself, haha if you know what I mean.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Niall shouted coming off the couch then pulling his hands up to his head indicating to me that he must of had a harsh hangover, "Yup, here I am" I said hanging my coat on the rack then walking past him and patting his back, I simply walked over to the couch and took a seat next to the sleepy looking Casey.

"Guessing you guys had a big night by the looks on your faces" letting out a chuckle as I looked between the two of them lying down on the couch, "Where did you go last night? I remember you dropping us in here then leaving and you didn't come back" Niall said looking straight at me with his eyes dropping from lack of sleep

"Aw yeah, I locked myself out and stayed in Jacinta's apartment" I blushed and looked at the floor remember what happened this morning

"Go Zaaaayn, get some?" Casey said laying her head on Nialls shoulder.

"No, she was grumpy at me and she was in a hurry this morning, dont know why but I coudn't thank her for having me" I remembered her frantically running around the house with a bag in her hand and shoving random objects into it, I looked over at Casey and her eyes suddenly widened and she lept from the couch "SHIT!" but before she ran out the door she spun around and looked at Niall

"Thanks for the night guys I had fun and thanks for letting me stay, Text you later Nialler' She slammed the door wich made Niall flinch and I let out a chuckle, he got up and got himself a glass of water and a headache tablet and sat back down, then flung his legs over mine. 

I grabbed the remote off the table and turned on the TV, it took me a while to find a good channel but  I found one and settled in and watched it silently as Niall drifted to sleep with his head on the arm rest. Wonder why Jacinta was in such a hurry? doesn't matter I'll just ring her later and check up on her, maybe ask if she wants to pop around and watch a movie or something. I turned my attention back to the TV which was now starting to play  Family Guy,


~Jacinta's P.O.V~

I had to be at the trainstation in 15 minutes, Casey had finally came home and quickly packed and we rushed outside where the cool air slapped me across the face I let out a shiver and whistled and waved untill a taxi came, Casey and I ran around and put our bags in the back and jumped into the warm taxi, "And where may you lovely ladies be going to today?" The man asked and spun around with a sweet grin, I would say he was about in his mid-forties. I returned the smile and went to speak but Casey got to it before I did,

"Trainstation please"  

"Sure thing" With that the man turned back to the wheel and started the car up, it came to life and we drove down the street and we started little talk

"So what are your names?" the man asked

"I'm Jacinta" I said sweetly and smiled

"Casey, and your name?" 

"I'm Mark" He said and he continued

"So, where are you guys going that you need to go to the trainstation?" Mark asked and focused on the road

"Oh, um, Milton Keynes, my parents were in an accident and I'm going to see how there doing" I replied looking at my hands in my laps and I started fiddling with my fingers.

"Such a shame to hear, hope everything goes well love" He said kindly as we pulled up outside the station just in time, "Thank you sir" I handed him his owings but he shook his head and looked at me

"that's alright love, it's on me. Good luck with your parents and I'll see you around another time" He said grinning at me with a sincere look in his eyes,

"Thank you so much Mark, bye!" I jumped out of the taxi and grabbed my bags from the boot. I gave Mark a wave. Casey and I made our way to the ticket sales lady thingy I dropped my bags and got our tickets for the train, just our luck the train arrived and I grabbed my bags off the ground instantly and checked if i had the ticket still in my hand, I swung my duffle bag over my shoulder and straightened my beanie up and ran a hand through my hair.

I was beginning to get nervous to see my parents after nearly two years, this wasn't the way I was hoping to reunite and catch up, but I sucked it up and glanced at Casey who already had her eyes on me. She gave me a reasuring sad smile and gripped my hand, I returned her smile and we made our way to the train and boarded, we took our seat opposite eachother. I pulled out my ipohone and stuck my headphones in. I pressed play and 'People Help The People - Birdy' starting playing, I loved this song so I turned it up and stared out the window.

Whatever was about to happen, I had to stay strong, not only for the rest of all my family but for Jacinta and even myself. If the worst thing happened, I had to stay strong and get through it. I was ready for whatever was coming my way.

My phone vibrated in my hand as I got a text and I swiped the screen to read it.

Zayn :-)

Hey love xx are you alright, you were in a bit of a hurry this morning, want to come and catch up for a movie tonight, the lads are gone, don't worry I'm not going to try anything, If you get what I mean ;-) anyway text soon, byee!

I smiled at my phone and began texting back

'Hiyaah, oh yeah sorry about that I'm actually going to Milton Keynes with Casey for the night, be back tomorrow for the concert, wish I could but thanks for the offer. xx'

I placed my phone on my lap and it instantly vibrated again, wow he's a fast texter.

Zayn :-)

Aww, that sucks.. okay see you then, call me when you get to Milton Keynes, xx

I smiled again and locked my phone. After that kiss this morning I couldn't help but feel like there was actually something there between us, not only just lust but maybe actual real feelings, I wasn't sure but I was definitely hoping for it. I really liked Zayn, as in more than a friend, I had strong feelings for him and I wanted to be with him everyday, and be in his arms. 



Donee, hope you liked it xx

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