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~Jacinta's P.O.V~

I woke up to the smell of coffee and pancakes coming through the apartment right into my room, I slipt on my slippers and put my black silk robe on I checked the time before I opened the door it read '6:36am' Hmm, normal, I walked out to find Casey dancing while flipping some pancakes onto a plate she then shoved a whole pancake into her mouth then frantically waved at me with a mouthfull of food.

"MORMING JASHINDA" she attempted to say but pancake started to come out of her mouth.

"morning Casey" I said sliding onto a stool across the counter, she slid a plate with 2 pancakes with maple syrup on them to me, I got a knife and fork and started to eat them, I must admit Casey can cook some damn good pancakes.

"CONCERT IN 2 DAYS, HURRY UP SATURDAY!" Casey screeched while jumping up and down.

"OH MY GOLLYGOODNESS I AM SO EXCITED!" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes and looking down to my empty plate

"wow, someones a grumpy bum!" Casey said handing me a warm cup of coffee. I looked up to check the time '7:06am'

"haha, I'm just tired thats all Case face, anyway I have to go get ready for work" I said jumping up off the stool, grabbing my plate in one hand and coffee cup in the other and dropping them into the sink and giving Casey a goodmorning hug and thanking her for breakfast.

I walked into the bathroom and dropped my pyjamas onto the floor and kicked off my slippers, I walked over to the mirror.

I have long brunetter hair that was just over my chest, green eyes and I was a pretty slim girl I was pretty short too I guess, everyone says I'm stunning but I never see why, I looked like any other 18 year old girl.

I jumped into the hot shower and washed my hair cleaned myself and jumped out and practically froze to death, I ran over to get a towel, when I finally reached it I rapped myself up and walked over to my room.

Since I work at Forever New I didnt have a uniform so I had to just choose whatever popped out at me I finally picked out an off white, mid thigh length, lace dress with sleeves that reach just over my elbows, black heels and a little anchor necklace just to make it cute, this dress really flattered my body shape, its cute.


This is her outfit here ( she isnt stuck up or anything so yeah ;) xx

I stept back into the bathroom and started to curl my hair into loose ringlets and applies on some make up which included some foundation, mascara, eye liner and a bright red lipstick.

All together I think I looked pretty good if I do say so myself. I quickly brushed my teeth, walked out and got my white iPhone, bag and name tag.

I walked out of the apartment and walked to the elevator and pressed the big green arrow pointing down, but before I could get inside 2 boys ran in laughing and I stood there thinking about how rude that was, I walked in and looked at them as to say "the fuck man?" then I realised that 'HE' was in there.

Yes, I just realised I was standing in between.

Harry Styles & Zayn Malik

Zayn looked down at me and giggled a bit I looked up to find myself getting lost in his eyes, AGAIN

"what?" I asked kind of confused

"Your that girl that was at the restraunt lastnight, you hit your head right?" He asked looking at me then I spun my head to Harry who had started to giggle.

"Unfortunatly, yes" I said as soon as the elevator door opened i walked out and walked towards my car where I noticed Harry and Zayn were still standing next to me. 

"Umm, you guys alright, need anything?" I asked walking towards my car.

"No we're okay just admiring the view" Harry said and I could feel a smirk on his face, I spun around instantly and looked at him, 

"Excuse me!?" 

"Sorry love, that dress looks good on ya" Harry said winking

"Whatever" I said spinning around and walking down the stairs towards the carpark

"DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE?!" I heard Zayn yell out behind me and turn around and nodded my head and he just grinned and turned to Harry and walked back inside.

I jumped in my car and drove to work. Hmm, goodmorning. 

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