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Firstly, their songs and music videos. Their songs talks about current issues about our world, they voice most of youths thoughts through music and also tackles about sensitive topics. Not only their music is upbeat and good but also lies good meaning behind them and if people would just take time to read the translated lyrics they'll find the comfort and beauty lies behind the song. Now let's talk about their music videos, MVs which gains attention because of it's speciality, it's uniqueness and mysteriousness. The theories behind the simple music videos drives the fans curious to the point they make their brains work faster to gather up informations just to know every meaning behind it.

• I don't think it's a coincidence but most of ARMYs are smart probably because Kim Namjoon influences them to read books, not just any normal books, but books which open our minds into understanding people, society, and even the world. Most of the books Namjoon reads has connection to their Comebacks.

• According to physiology, people who are playful turns out to look more youthful. Those who are confident makes them more attractive, and those who always cracks jokes are the ones with the more mature mind. Traits that Kim Seokjin has that armys' copies as well.

• I don't know about other fans, but I've met alot of armys that are fiesty and savage only when it's reasonable to argue back. Most of them are realistic, bold, and blunt when telling what they see and feel. No need for sugar coating it as it is better to live in reality than to socialize with plastics. Armys' must've inherited that from Min Yoongi.

• Jung Hoseok. One person that will light up your day with just one smile. Most of the armys are cheerful as him and full of energy. His personality is quite contagious probably why armys are enthusiastic.

• I've heard lot's of stories about armys helping charities and stuff. Most of them are caring, gentle and kind, one thing that Park Jimin infected them.

• Kim Taehyung is one of the most unique people you'll ever meet, not only because of his perfect proportions, but also because of his different personality that one can only achieve if they are being true to themselves and not following the path of people who stays common.

• Armys are talented, I've met some of those who's great singers, dancers, good at drawing, photography, editing video, humorous, good at writing stories/composing, and even those who are athletic, and those who play instruments. They can do anything because Jeon Jungkook himself can do anything, that's why armys follow his path. He made them believe that they should do what makes them happy.

I also know that alot of BTS fans are not just like I've stated, there are those who enjoys fanwars and those who are easy to fight back at every bad comment or post they see. But that doesn't mean all members of ARMY are trash and cancers, you may meet childish, immature, or even the bandwagon ones, though I hope people doesn't generalize our fandom. Most armys, (real armys) are being silent, busy socializing with each other. News flash! I'm an army, a blink, a once, and an exo-l... I have friends who I can talk with about groups we stan and don't even fight or bicker about who's a greater singer or not. Every artist and fandom is unique and special, everyone deserves respect, I know that real fans doesn't really care about the fanwars, nor affect them. They stay hidden silent, and actually is helping each other.


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