1.3 Adventure after Adventure at Elder Nemesis

Start from the beginning

His eyes were..no it's not eyes there any eyes there, it was a crack in a head, which looked like giant rock.

Marcus got excited now, "Is this the change you talking about? Because, this change is a bit...A bit huge, I may say. Or we are just dead...Like dead, you know."

Louis reads him and said, "Marcus, you are stammering."
Marcus replied, "Stammering who? No, I just discovered a things our way here. This is so amazing. Really."

This was new to me, "So, what are we going to do? Run or fight?" I asked.

Giant demon started roaring. It's roast through the ground and it reached us like a stormy wave.

Peter said testifying, "If, I'm not wrong this is Madfoot, tenth son of Odious. I don't think fighting is the good idea. "

The demon started attacking us by throwing debris all around.

Everyone took a cover.

Louis said in between every debris been thrown to us, "Tenth son? So, what the first one is ten times bigger than this?"

Marcus asked, "How do you know?"(Both Louis and Marcus looking at Peter).

Peter confirmed, "Father told me once."

Panthera looked back and said, "It's seems like that he don't like our company."

"And he is angry, right now." I was thrilled.
Adam-"We should run."

Suddenly debris stopped fallen.

There was mocking in voice Louis, "What happened to him? Is he enjoying our company?"

Panthera peeped.
When realized what is going to happen she shouted with her strength, "Everyone...Run for your life."

When I look to the giant, and saw that the giant running toward us. We started running.


When they were escaping, Panthera looked back, she saw that the giant wasn't just following. That thing sniffing the ground toward us.
Panthera-"Is he smelling us?"
Adam-"Smelling us?"

Marcus looked back and surprisingly said, "Yes."

I asked Peter, "What will we do Peter?"
Louis shouted, "Obviously, run."

I looked to Peter and asked again, "C'mon Peter."

It took time but then Peter said, "Toward the river, now."

Everyone started running toward the river.

At the edge of the river Louis stopped.

Adam questioned him, "What happened, Louis?"
Louis at the peak of his lame jokes, "I don't want to bath now."

Everyone jumped into the river. Peter pushes Louis into the river. Panthera turned into a sparrow and hide into trees.

My mind was flooded with the sound of river water.

After sometime Panthera called us, "Demon is gone come out."

Adam asked Louis in the river, "Louis, what exactly you are thinking?"

Louis, "I...." he halted.

Peter, "Louis, do you know that Marcus was faster than us when we run?"

Everyone laughed.

Marcus, "I don't want to die here." He really wasn't so do we.

Panthera called us and asked, "Friends, why are you swimming so fast?"

I states, "We aren't swimming. We are drifting away with the river..." the flow was stronger than before. We were at the flowing toward the starting point of water fall.

Louis looked at Panthera, "Panthera do something."

Panthera changed into a big bird and started picking us from the riverbed to the edges one by one. At the last Louis left who already at the starting edge of the river fall.

Louis, "Panthera..." he shouted.
Panthera hastly, "Don't shout I'm coming."

Everyone looked at each other. And started laughing.

"Let's do this again." I was beyond thrilled.

Peter, "Once more. Yeahhh..." we both laughed.

Adam, "You should see your faces." Looking at Louis.
Louis, "Oh! Yeah. If you were in my place, I will be the one saying that isn't."

Everyone dried away themselves.


Far away from them, at the outskirts of a mountain there was a village of savage named Red Chalcedony, infamous for crooks, killers, murderers, thieves, prostitutes, criminals, butchers, etc

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Far away from them, at the outskirts of a mountain there was a village of savage named Red Chalcedony, infamous for crooks, killers, murderers, thieves, prostitutes, criminals, butchers, etc.
At one of the cottage, where people were captured.

Savage 1-"Your son is lucky that he able to sneak out from our eyes." (Talking to one of his prisoner.)
Savage 2-"But he didn't know that now you are in our fist."
Prisoner-"He will know soon."
Savage 3-"All the best with that." (Laughed)

Another savage came in. He was the leader of the savage clan and the head of the village Red chalcedony. He was infamous for the most brutal image. He was named Corneous by his so called father, who kidnapped him along with his two friends Deurne and Ewersned. He calls him father because he thought that he was born for slaughter, that what his so called father made him.

Corneous-"You talk too much. Take him away from my eyes to my friend Deurne. He will take care of him for me. Actually take them all. (To savage 1) I'm going to The Vixen Covent to meet Ewersned. Don't forget to inform me about Deurne, understood.

Savage 1-"Yes, master."

What will happen, is Panthera and her friends didn't able to make it before time. Or she have to wait for more, to meet her master.

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