XXVI (Final)

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Before proceeding, I'd like to show my gratitude towards all my lovable readers, this book has reached so far yet this is the ending. I hope you guys would continue reading my another the book "Loving A Gangster"
A sinkook fanfic. Please vote, share and comments! I was in my tears while writing this chapter. I love y'all 3000~


Sinb pov:

Today is our wedding day and the feeling still hasn't sunk in. The thought
that you'll be marrying to the person whom you love the most and spending the rest of life feels to surreal. It's almost like a dream to me, I never wanna woke up.

I arrived at the hotel and saw my wedding dress hung along with my bouquet.

I felt the rush of joy and anxiety at the same time but most of all I feel that I couldn't wait any longer.

It's been few hours and I'm almost ready. My maids of honour along with my bridesmaids helped me with my dress. Then I saw a glimse of a familiar person, oh that's my bestie Yewon.

"AAAH EUNBI~ you look so beautiful! I can't believe my bestfriend is getting married."

"Me too Yewon~ and I'm really nervous but I know I won't regret anything cause I'll be with Jungkook... "


Jungkook stood there waited for his  Sinb  to be walked to him by her parents. He bit his lip, tried to hard to stop himself from crying, but as he saw her  with the dress looking so beautiful,  he began to cry.

It felt like eternity to him as she walked to him, slowly on the path. He couldn't wait any longer.

"You look breathtaking baby"  he whispers in her ear which made her shiver ran down her spine. She just smiled at him, with lots of love.

Then finally he takes her hand and both of them walks in front of the pastor who'll be marrying both.

He looked at her with his red eyes, however behind those eyes he looked at her with so much of love.

Then the pastor began,

"Today we're gathered here to witnessed the becoming of one between  Hwang Eunbi and Jeon Jungkook. You two will not recite your vows together. Sinb will go first, followed by Jungkook."

Sinb unfolded the piece of paper in her pocket which contains her vows to him.

"Jungkook..."  she said as she began reading it with tears of joy escaping out her eyes."I love you... and the love you've shown me is beyond my childhood self could ever dreamed off. Your love taught me to find what I spent so long for searching for- myself - and I can feel myself becoming the me which I've always dreamed of. You're my hope, my reason and my every dream and everyday that we'll spend together will be the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours,and she look in his beautiful eyes which is looking at her already which so much of love and admiration. She continued reading it," I pr-promise...love Sinb."
And she looked at him only to finding it out that he's drenched with tears.

"Okay Jungkook, it's your turn now"  says the pastor. Jungkook nods his head.

"My beloved Eunbi (Sinb), I love you more than anyone could do. You're my moon and the stars that light up my constellation in my life and I would choose you in a hundred lifetime, in a hundreds words, in any version of reality, I would find you and I would choose you over and over again.He breaks into a huge smile and wipes his tears not forgetting to took a glance of her."And when we grow old and our eyes has seen better days and our hearing starts to fade, put your arms around my neck and your head rested on my chest..."  everyone breaks into the damn tears."My 'I love you'  will remain the same... it'll always do! Love your Jungkookie.He said, closing the paper as he looked at his Sinb, dearly.

Then the pastor spoke again,

"Sinb/ Jungkook do you take Jungkook/ Sinb as your lawful wedded husband/ wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer , in health and in sickness, to love and cherish until the death, do you part? "

Both of them said, "I do..."

Then the pastor smiled and said,

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR THEN!?"  He shouted leaving both Sinb and Jungkook dumbfounded while everyone laugh. "Jungkook, you may kiss the bride."


The End!


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