chapter 10

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    it was finally the day that hoseok has been practicing for. the day that he'll finally perform the song jin wrote for yoongi. the day that he planned to officially move onto a new era of his life with taehyung. he was ecstatic, but he also felt sentimental at the same time.

despite moving on from yoongi, he knew that he couldn't deny that he still felt a bit sad that he had to let go. he couldn't go back on his word now that he promised yoongi not to, but he couldn't help but reminisce about all the times they had together.

yoongi was truly the person who got him through the toughest times and encouraged him to keep going. even when he was nearly going to give up, yoongi didn't give in and encouraged him to do the same. that's the sole reason why he's able to do what he's doing today.

he remembered how his parents didn't approve of him dancing and threatened to kick him out over it. during those times, he really was tempted to just kick his dream away and do what his parents wanted him to do. if it wasn't for yoongi, he would've never had the courage to go against them.

now that he moved on and was dating taehyung, he couldn't put yoongi as his main priority anymore. now, he was dancing up on stage for his loved ones, including taehyung. obviously it was dedicated to yoongi, but it was also dedicated to taehyung in a way.

when it was time to perform, he felt himself getting nervous. he knew he couldn't let everyone down and mess up on stage, especially when he practiced so hard to catch up. as the stylists were dolling him up, jungkook went over to hoseok to give him some encouragement to lessen his nerves.

"you got this, hoseok-hyung. you're an amazing dancer, i know you can do it. just relax for now, don't worry about anything. you'll slay them all once you get up on that stage. if you get nervous, just imagine kissing taehyung after it's over and use that as motivation to get through it." jungkook encouraged, making hoseok smile.

"thanks, i hope you make them scream with your dance moves, jungkook. you really have great potential to become one of the greatest dancers in korea, especially when you're so good at such a young age." hoseok praised back, making jungkook smile with his signature bunny-like smile.

he skipped away happily as the stylist added the last finishing touches to his look. all of the dancers were full of mixed emotions as it got closer to when they were going to dance. the make up artists put on their last few touches and sent them out, ready to dance and slay the night.

hoseok was one of the first few to walk out, and he was beyond nervous. as the music started playing, his body automatically moved along with the rhythm, moving gently across the entire stage. all of his moves were planned with careful precision as he danced to make sure that he didn't make a single mistake.

jin joined in and started singing with his soft, gentle voice. hoseok could tell that the entire audience was drawn in with jin's beautiful voice. when his eyes met with a familiar pair of eyes, he quickly sent a wink before putting even more passion into his moves.

soon, even hoseok started to hum softly to the lyrics as jin sang, wondering what would happen next in this new chapter of his life.

"yes, i hate you.

you left me, but i never stopped thinking about you, not even a day.

honestly, i miss you but i'll erase you cuz it hurts less than to blame you."

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