Chapter 19: Bloodbath part II

Start from the beginning

"You'll find no forgiveness from me."

Before I could speak, one of the Night Fury's sank their teeth into my left shoulder and began to thrash violently, the other four pounced at me and I let out a blood curdling scream as two of them sank their teeth into both my legs, two of them took both my arms and Hiccup's Fury slowly crouched towards me until it loomed just above my head. I closed my eyes and whimpered as I felt its hot breath on my face and saliva dripping on my cheeks and then a pair of jaws snapped around my neck and I tried screaming I was losing blood at an alarming rate.

Looking around me, I saw two Night Fury's with each of my legs in their mouths and another two with my arms in their mouths, I could feel myself losing consciousness fast and as I was about to enter the afterlife, the last thing I ever saw was Hiccup's Fury closing its jaws around my face and then everything went black.

(Hiccup's pov)

I watched with satisfaction and pure pleasure at the sight of Blaze, Azure, Lavender, Aqua, Ragejaw and Craven tearing Astrid to bloody pieces. As her blood soaked Midgard, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, Toothless's death was avenged and I see no reason why my long dead friends family exact their revenge against their brothers killer.

As the Fury's finally backed off Astrid's bloody mangled corpse, I could see the Fury's spitting out her limbs and pieces of her flesh with utter disgust and then making their way back to their respective riders. When Blaze backed up, Astrid's head slid off his blood caked teeth and tongue, as well as bits of her flesh and bone, when he mangled head fell on the grass with a splat, I inhaled sharply at spat on the head. "Blood for blood. Your debt is paid." Turning to Gunhild, Frodo, Haesten, Aslaug and Hild, I nod at them and simply say.

"Lets finish this."

(Normal pov)

Stoick watched in horror as his fellow allies and warriors were all but wiped out by his wife's dragons, though handfuls of the best Vikings amongst them remained, they all rallied to Stoick for a final stand and a last ditch effort possible look for a way to survive the bloodbath. But before we could even think about running any further, I was then struck by a fire ball directly in the chest, hurling me back several feet and I groaned in sheer agony as the fire burned away my flesh, muscle, bone and spirit.

Looking up, I could see Valka's dragon was my attacker and the dragons maw steamed out smoke, my wife then slid off her dragon and the drew a sword strapped to her belt and approached me. Shaking my head in disbelief at this, I slowly retreated as I remembered Sigurd the Wise's words enter my mind.

"Stoick the Vast himself? He will meet his end by... someone he once believed to have perished by dragons."

The Hooligan chieftain tried speaking, but the three inch hole in his chest made it almost impossible and caused the man to cry out in agony. When Valka stood above Stoick, the man managed to merely wheeze out. "V-Val..." Stoick then reached his hand out for his wife, but instead of taking it, Valka swatted the hand away and plunged the sword she wielded into Stoick's abdomen, causing blood to seep out of the mans mouth and the Hooligan chieftain cried out in agony as Valka twisted the blade inside his abdomen.

"For your actions? You must pay with your life." Valka said as she then dislodged the sword out of her husbands abdomen and then left Stoick to bleed out. The man himself felt tears of regret and sorrow flow down his cheeks as he tried reaching out for his wife one last time. "V-Valka..." But he ultimately succumbed to his wounds and fell back, dead.

Whilst Valka's dragon swarm had completely surrounded what was left of the Hairy Hooligan, Stone-head, Bog and Meathead Vikings since the Thunderhead and Tree-root forces were currently being ripped to pieces by Hiccup's own dragon swarms. Hiccup himself approached those of the highest ranking amongst the six Viking tribes. Spitelout and Gobber were all that stood for the Hairy Hooligans, Ivar the Witless stood alone, Big Boobied Bertha for the Bogs, Mogadon for the Meatheads.

"Traitor!" Spitelout snarled out as he spat on Hiccup's boots, the young Danish king turned to his uncle and slit his throat open with Inferno, causing blood to spray out of the elder Jorgensons neck and then fall face first into the ground. Hiccup then approached Gobber and shook his head at his old blacksmith teacher. "Why would you return here Gobber? You were safe and far from my wrath." Gobber nodded at his former apprentices words and replied. "I came back to try and steer you away from this path. Please lad, its not too late." Hiccup turned away from Gobber before replying to his words. "Berk... needs to pay for what it did to me. If you get in my way? I will kill you too."

"Lad please—"

"NO!!" Hiccup roared out before driving Inferno straight through Gobber's gut, causing the veteran Viking to cry out in agony as his insides were being burned into a crisp. As Gobber fell to his knees, Hiccup caught him and gently laid him down on the grass before murmuring. "I didn't want to kill Gobber. But I made an oath to the gods that I will kill all who have wronged me. I can't turn back now." Hiccup said as he dislodged Inferno out of his former friends gut and watched the life fade from his eyes.

Turning back around to Bertha and Mogadon, I could see them accepting their fate, so turning to my warriors, Hiccup nodded at them and they made quick work of the two chieftains. Approaching Gunhild and my other allies, Hiccup embraced his love and kissed her forehead before looking back towards the sea. "Its time to annihilate Berk." The young king then whistled for Blaze and within seconds, he's by Hiccup's side, so climbing on his dragons back, Hiccup turn to Gunhild and the other Danish rulers and give them orders. "Have the fleet follow me as we go to Berk." Gunhild turned to the other rulers and nodded at them, they all mounted their bonded Fury's and returned to their ships to make preparations to sail to Berk.

Valka and her dragon landed near Hiccup and blaze, the feral dragon lady then cocked her head at her son. "What are you going to do son?" Hiccup turned to her and answered. "Something I've dreamed of doing for five years." Cupping his hands around his mouth, Hiccup gave a dragon call and within seconds, the Hydra emerged and the sight caused Valka's mouth to gape open in shock, awe and wonder. "Mother, this is the Black Danes dragon alpha— the Hydra." Hiccup said with pride, as the five headed dragon lowered its heads towards Hiccup and purred softly.


Hiccup extended his hand out and the nearest Hydra head leaned in and pressed its snout into Hiccup's palm. "We move out and destroy the Hairy Hooligans. They not only wronged me, but they killed tens and thousands of your fellow dragons for sport." Hiccup spat out with disgust and causing the Hydra's rage to grow. "Let us be on our way." Hiccup said before turning to Valka. "Do you have it?" He asked, Valka then showed her son the head of Stoick the Vast and Hiccup nodded before patting Blaze's neck.

"We go!!"

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