Chapter 16: Promise

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(Astrid's pov)

I-I couldn't believe how much Hiccup had changed. His hair was longer than ever before, he had four twists on the top of his head and had a bridge of hair holding the twists together in the back and the sides of his head were braided. He had a mustache above his lips, light stubble on his cheeks and a goatee on his chin. His eyes however are what sent a chill down to my very soul, he had a scar going down his right eye and the eye itself looked faded, but never the less, both his eyes held nothing but pure hatred towards us all.

Everyone gathered was panicking and Stoick tried grabbing their attention but nothing was working, so he grabbed his war hammer and roared out. "I SAID SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!!!" He banged his war hammer against one of the pillars, that caused everyone to quiet down and turned their attention back to our chief. "We knew this day would come when we heard Hiccup still lives! But I believe he could still be persuaded to at least spare some of us."

"Were you not listening Stoick?! Your crazy son wants to kill us all!!" Mildew cried out, causing an uproar of agreement to ring in the air, Stoick turned to Mildew and growled out. "Yes, I heard Hiccup's pledge to kill us all Mildew, but I want to actually talk to my son and at least try to--"

"Stoick, there is no peace with your son. He came here for war, so if thats what he wants? I say thats what we give him!" Spitelout barked out, again causing an uproar of agreement from the Vikings inside, our chief pinched the bridge of his nose before nodding. "Very well. We're familiar  with our place of battle— Bear Island. Its fields are large enough for us to do battle, we know the land well and shall use such knowledge to our advantage. And if the gods will it? We shall defeat the traitor and his hordes."

Everyone grunted in agreement, I turned to Sihtric and whispered in his ear. "I need to talk to Hiccup." He turned to me as if I had lost my mind. "Are you out of your mind?! He wants to offer you up as a chew toy for his Night Fury's!" I nodded in understanding but continued. "Yes I am aware of the risk, but I just... I just need to at least try and ask for his forgiveness for taking away the only living thing he ever cared for at the time." Before Sihtric could respond, I turned to Stoick and spoke out firmly and boldly. "Chief? If I may speak?" Everyone turned to me and then turned to Stoick, the man nodded at me; allowing me to speak my mind.

"I wish to speak to Hiccup and attempt to balm grievous injuries inflicted upon him." However, my words were met with disapproving words, Mildew turned to me and pointed his staff at me. "Why suggest such insanity young Hofferson? That filthy traitor wants to kill just as badly, if not more for what you did to his pet dragon." I glared at Mildew before turning back to Stoick. "Please lord, what if I brought with me Gobber, Gothi and Fishlegs? They never actually hurt Hiccup and I believe he will at least speak with them." Everyone turned to Stoick and awaited his answer, our chief gave me a saddened look before shaking his head. "I'm sorry Astrid, but Hiccup... he can't be provoked even more by your very presence. We need the time to form a battle plan if we are to obtain victory."

I bowed my head in understanding and turn around to leave the Great Hall, as I pass Snotlout, he murmured out to me. "That was a stupid suggestion Hofferson." I then drove my knee into his groin and he groaned in pain as he clutched his groin and fell to his knees. Wrapping my fur cloak tightly around my body, I open the door to the Hall and leave the room with a sigh. Looking up to the heavens, I could see millions of snowflakes coming down and I closed my eyes as some of the tiny flakes latched on my eyelashes, looking out towards the horizon, I could only feel my eyes stinging with tears and accept the harsh reality of the situation we all face.

I don't believe the gods will be with us this time. Perhaps they never were with us, and the way I see it? Odin, Thor or any of the gods couldn't protect us from Hiccup's wrath.

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