Chapter 1: Defying death

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A/N: Alrighty welcome to Fury Rider, it won the vote and I'm just gonna introduce y'all to chapter 1. So just a heads up, this story is going to be very dark, very gritty and will have some very disturbing scenes. Hiccup has witnessed Toothless being killed by Astrid and for his betrayal? Hiccup is imprisoned and then set for execution the following morning. Pairing isn't Hiccstrid because Hiccup wants to kill Astrid for killing Toothless along with other grievances, so the pairings in this story are going to be HiccupXGunhild(OC) who will be one of the Danish queens, but she starts off as a princess but will eventually become queen and is Hiccup's exact age, and Hiccup finds three Danish kings and two other queens and unites all their forces into one army to become the Black Danes, their combined armies will attack Paris first, just so Hiccup can prove himself as an excellent strategist, warrior and tactician to the other Danes before starting a civil war with Berk. Hope y'all are ready for this, here we go!

(Hiccup's pov)

I wanted scream to the top of my lungs, but my throat was already too raw from all the shouting and screaming earlier today. I wanted to drown in my own tears, but it seemed my tear ducks were out of tears to produce.

Turning to the bars of my cell, I get up and could see the people of Berk in the streets hoisting horns of mead high and cries of celebration filled the air. Hearing music and cries of celebration in her name made me sick to my stomach and drove my anger to a boiling point. Those... animals dare celebrate the death of an innocent creature?! The only living being I ever truly cared about in Midgard?!! They dare celebrate the death... no, the murder of my best friend?!!

I close my eyes as I remember the events that led to this very moment.

(Earlier that afternoon— The Cove)

"Ready to get out of here bud?" I asked my best friend and dragon, who's the infamous Night Fury. Toothless turns to me and pressed his head into my chest and purrs.

::I am my friend. I'm ready when you are::

"Good, then let's get going." I say, just before I could climb on Toothless though, my dragons pupils turn to skits and he snarls out toward the entrance of the Cove. "T-Toothless? What if it?" I ask, my dragon turned to me and growled out.

::We must leave now!::

Before I could ask Toothless what was wrong, Vikings under the Hairy Hooligan banner curst out of the bushes above the Cove and slid down armed to the teeth. Toothless roared in outrage at the sight of our attacks and he beckoned me to climb on his back, I raced to my friends side and climbed on, just as we took to the sky though, several bolas wrapped themselves around Toothless and we crashed back down the Cove, hurling me off my dragon and roll around the dirt and grass violently.

Groaning in pain, I try getting back to my feet, only to feel rough hands grasp my arms, I turn to my left and right to see my fathers personal body guard as the ones who've taken hold of me, I try desperately to fight them off, but it is useless.

Turning back to Toothless, my dragons sheer and raw strength snaps the bolas off his body and turns to fighting off those who wish to attack him. I then see my father jump down the Cove, accompanied by Spitelout Jorgenson, Egil Hofferson, Mooselegs Ingerman and Boarnut Thorston. The four men charged my dragon, causing my fear to skyrocket, but as Spitelout leaped in the air ready to strike my dragon down? Toothless tail whipped my uncle across the face and sent him flying into a nearby boulder.

Mooselegs, Egil and Boarnut circled Toothless slowly; trying to figure out how to bring down the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself. Mooselgs decided to charge, but Toothless fired a plasma blast right at Mooselegs, the elder Ingerman raised his shield, but the force of the plasma bolt ripped the shield apart and sent the bulky Viking flying several feet away. Egil then tackled Toothless and held him down by the neck, while Boarnut twirled around his spear and was ready to strike.

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