Chapter 2: Recovered

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(Stoick's pov)

Racing to the edge of the cliff, I looked down to see the traitors body vanish beneath the waves below, my personal guard all caught up to me and looked down as well, all murmuring there was no way Hiccup survived that fall. Sigurd, the captain of my bodyguards spoke up. "What shall we do chief?" Turning to my captain, I scoffed at his question. "Nothing." Taking one final look back down the cliff, I murmur out. "May you suffer a traitors fate in Hel. Useless Hiccup, who I was ashamed to call you son." 

Turning back around, I could see the whole village had caught up to us and were questioning Hiccup's fate, I waved there concerns aside and boomed out. "My people! Useless Hiccup has met his end to the rocks below! The traitor took the cowards way out." The whole village began letting out a chorus of cold laughter; mocking Hiccup for the last time. 

"Good riddance traitorous scum!" 

"Dragon lover!!"

"This calls for celebration!!"

Everyone barked in agreement at the prospect of celebrating Hiccup's suicide, they turned to me for the final word. A large grin broke out across my face and I extended my arms out. "AYE!!! To the Great Hall!! Brings horns of ale and let us feast!! To the death of Hiccup the Useless, greatest traitor of our world!!" 


With that said, everyone marched to the Great Hall while praising the gods that we were finally rid of Hiccup's existence, as did I. The only reason that boy was spared in the first place was because of my love, Valka. If she were still of this world? We could've produced a better heir than that... disgrace that I once called son. 

But I wouldn't let such thoughts sour my mood. Because we were going to celebrate a traitors death and the dawn of a new era on Berk. 

An era without Hiccup the Useless.

(Three days later-- Hiccup's pov)

The first thing I felt when I began to wake from what felt like the Odinsleep was a sharp pain on the back of my head. Reaching behind my head, I winced in pain at a large welt there, no doubt caused by the force of my fall. My vision was blurry and my throat was dry, so standing up on wobbly feet, I groan as I nearly fall flat on my face but grasp a nearby wall of stone to keep myself from falling down. 

"Where in Thor's name am I?" I murmur to myself, but just as I could take another step, I lay eyes on a massive creature, it was big, spiky, its eyes burned like magma and its maw glowed with crimson. I let out a fearful yelp as I tumbled back at the sight before me. 

It was another Night Fury. 

But this was one was two times larger than Toothless, its body was covered in scars, its nubs and tendrils were sharper and longer, there was large scar running down the Night Fury's right eye and it cocked its head at me. Before I could react, a deep male voice forced its way into my mind. 

::Where is my brother? His scent is all over you::


The Night Fury took a step closer to me and bared his teeth at me, causing me to wince in fear as this large Night Fury growled out. 

::You have my brothers scent clinging to your bones human. Which tells me either two things-- that you killed him or... that you bonded with him. Speak the truth and tell me where my brother is!:: 

D-Did he mean... Toothless? 

"Y-Your bother?" I asked out, licking my lips and calming my racing nerves, I cock my head and slowly ask. "Does... your brother have green eyes?" Referring to Toothless's eye color, that was the only way I'd truly know if this Night Fury was my best friends brother. The Night Fury before me nodded in confirmation, so, I took a deep breath and breathed out. "I'm... Toothless is dead. Murdered. Though not by me!" I said quickly while holding my hands out at the pure rage that etched across this dragons face. 

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