Chapter 17: Returning the bitter favor

Start from the beginning

After finish helping the shield maidens load up Stoicks flagship, I exited the ship and shivered at the freezing temperatures outside, thankfully there were torches lit along the harbor to keep a heat wave above us and warm the air. I looked behind me to see Snotlout and Tuffnut carrying satchels and boarding a dinghy boat, cocking my head suspiciously, I approach the two before they could set sail. "Where do you two think you're going?" I demanded, Snotlout looked up to me and snorted. "Don't you have other things to do Hofferson?" He asked, I glared at him and repeated. "Where are you two going?"

"We're going to the Northern Markets and ask anyone if they've seen Hiccup. We have orders to kill him." Tuffnut said, Snotlout turned the male twin and glared at him, Tuffnut shrugged. "What? Its not like she'll tell the chief. She wants him dead too, don't you Astrid?" Tuffnut said while turning to me, I looked down and pondered Tuff's question, I mean... in the past, Hiccup was absolutely no threat at all. But now? He could wipe us out in the blink of an eye.

"Yes. He threatens us all and if killing him gives a chance to survive? Than have at it." I respond, Tuffnut turns back to Snotlout and grins. "See? Nothing to worry about 'Boy-o'" He said while impersonating Spitelout's voice when he calls his son Boy-o. Snotlout rolled his eyes at Tuffnut and then grabbed the oars and began to sail away, Tuffnut shot me and grin before he two grabbed the other pairs of oars and helped Snotlout sail out of the harbor.

"Best of luck. You'll need it." I murmured to myself as Snotlout and Tuffnut's dinghy got further away from Berk, I then returned back to assisting my people in preparing for the battle to come.

(Snotlout's pov— Two hours later)

Finally reaching the Northern Markets after two hours of rowing, Tuffnut and I docked at the harbor and tied our dinghy down so that it wouldn't drift away into open ocean. As we made our way into the marketplace, it was packed full of our countrymen, foreigners and slaves being towed by their taskmasters, long story short? We'd never find Hiccup in such a crowd.

So, sticking together and keeping a sharp eye out, Tuffnut and I stared everybody down and made sure to leave no stone left unturned. The people of the Northern Markets stared us down as well, being cautious of our presence here, but we weren't here to cause trouble with the people of this place, we were here just for Useless.

"Snotlout." Tuffnut murmured as he then pointed ahead of us. "There he is." Following where he was pointing, we laid eyes on Hiccup and a man about our age who bore Danish tattoos on his neck and rune tattoos under his right eye and he was the same size as Fishlegs as far as bulky physic goes. Hiccup's companion as bore dirty blond hair which was braided and had silver cupping along the braids, the length of his hair stopped at his the top of his spine and he had a small beard on his face.

Tuffnut then turned to me and whispered. "How do you wanna do this?" I turn to my companion before seeing Hiccup and his own companion walking away. "We follow them." I say as we push through the crowds full of people and try to keep up with our enemy. Hiccup and his companion then make a left and into an alleyway, as we push through the crowds, we press our backs against the wall and I lean in slightly to see what Hiccup is doing.

"We're all set here King Haddock." The man accompanying Hiccup said, my cousin grunted in acknowledgement and looked towards where the alleyway began, I quickly pulled away and took slow and steady breaths to calm my racing nerves. Tuffnut pushes me away and decides to take a look but it was a mistake, he bumped right into Hiccup who grabbed Tuffnut's face and head butted him, causing the male twin to cry out in pain and clutch his bleeding nose. Hiccup then looks into my eyes and I swallow thickly and could feel fear rising inside me as my cousin gives me a murderous gaze. "Hello Snotlout. A pleasure to see both you and Tuffnut again." My cousin then looked to someone behind me and nodded. A sharp blow of pain exploded in the back of my head and I feel to the ground and could feel myself losing consciousness fast.

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