Unlinking Lessons

Start from the beginning

"She will be loved by us." Klaus silences me with a kiss. "I admire how much you think of our child's future. It's what assures me you will make a great mother."

"And your willingness to do whatever it takes for your family and those you love is what will make you a great father."

"You have such hope for me that I doubt no one has had in a thousand years."

"Well, no one has loved you the way I do. And as far as I know, you haven't gotten another girl pregnant before." He laughs a deep belly laugh which surprises me.

"You're the only one, my love."

"Good, because I don't like sharing." I find myself straddling him not caring who would walk in. I lean down and kiss him and I hear this animalistic growl coming from him as I slowly grind myself on him. I tug on the back of his neck as I tug on his lip. "All mine." I whisper into his ear as I kiss down his neck.

"Excuse me." I stop my assault on Klaus as someone clears their throat. I slowly look over my shoulder not moving off Klaus' lap. "If you two are done I would greatly appreciate Sofia's help." Elijah stands there like it's no big deal he didn't just walk in on me mounting his brother.

"Always one for interruptions." Klaus smirks. I slowly get off Klaus against his pleads for me not to.

"Uh, what kind of help do you need?"

"I want to gain Davina's trust and I have bargained helping her control her magic in return for breaking the link between Hayley and Sophie."

"Why do you need my help? I tried breaking the link but the magic the witches used kept mine from breaking it."

"Which is why I want you to help train Davina in how to control her magic."

"You know I don't have full control over mine too, right?"

"Which should allow you two to get along even more." Elijah smiles and holds his hand out for me to take. "I told Davina I would share a few pages from our mother's grimoire in order to help her learn to control her magic." He explains. "Niklaus I need you to come with me. I need 5 minutes alone with Davina so Sofia can introduce herself. You need to make certain that we are not interrupted." He looks to Rebekah now. "You stay here and watch Hayley." I quickly follow after Elijah. He's walking way too fast for me but I try and keep up.


It was awkward having Elijah basically forcing me to meet this mysterious girl who kept him captive for so long. Davina was hesitant to meet me but Elijah assured her that I could be trusted. "Davina, this is Sofia. She is a friend of my family and fellow witch." He introduces.

"A witch." She seems to not believe it.

"Yeah, and I thought you would have sensed me practicing magic but you never did."

"You practiced magic?" She seems worried about why she didn't sense it.

"I'm not from New Orleans and I can only guess that me not being from here is the reason you can't sense my magic." I chant a spell and the candles in her room light up and the windows open. She looks around surprised.

"And you can help me."

"The best that I can." I say with a smile. Elijah directs us over to a table where he lays out his mother's spell for unlinking.

"The spell of unknotting?" She says looking at Elijah who holds up a knot.

"This is a sanguinem knot the witches use it as representational magic. If you can unknot this rope using that spell, you'll have taken an important step towards control. This is one of my mother's later spells, requires much more power than you realize. Now if you can perform this, I shall return with another page. Spell of your choosing next time." Elijah leaves us like it was no big deal.


"How did you get mixed up with the old ones?" She asks me.

"They basically needed my sister for a sacrifice that would release Klaus' werewolf side allowing him to be a full hybrid." She looks down and for the first time, I realize how similar we are. She's not that much younger than me and has gone through so much. "I know what it's like to put your faith into people and have it ripped from you."

"You know about the Harvest?"

"I do. I know how you believed your ancestors and the witches of your community was doing the right thing by you and you were used for power."

"And you've suffered similar things?"

"My twin sister is known as the doppelganger who is a supernatural occurrence and her blood has been used for numerous spells."

"And you are..."

"I'm the witch all witches fear."

"You're the one from the prophecy."

"You've heard of it?"

"All witches have. Your power is unmatched and that scares those who want to control everyone. You remind them that there is always someone more powerful out there."

"Enough about me I am here to help you learn control. And I will be honest I'm not perfect but I am willing to help in every way I can."

"How did you learn magic?"

"My best friend Bonnie taught me but I also taught myself."

"And now?"

"I'm learning along the way that I have nothing to fear but fear itself."

"Did you ever lose control?"

"I haven't always had control over my magic. I've been used before and I hated it. But I've slowly gained control and I want the same thing for you."

After hours of trying Davina is feeling helpless as the knot won't unlink. I keep reminding her that this spell is hard and she won't get it right away, but I hope she gets it soon. The longer Sophie is linked to Hayley the more danger my unborn child is in especially with all of these witches around wanting to harm us. Davina gives it one more try and begins chanting again. I watch as the knot slowly but surely becomes untied. "I knew you could do it." I come up and hug her.

"Will you be around to help me?" I pull out my phone and hand it over to her.

"Call or text whenever you need something. I will be here for you."

"I feel like after all these months you're the first witch I can trust."

"I feel honored."

"Why do you let them affect your life so much?" She asks and I know she's speaking about Klaus and his siblings.

"Love makes you do crazy things, Davina. Never allow others to dictate your life. You're strong and I know you will do great things." I hug the girl one more time before making my way out of the attic. I stop and my mind is flooded with these blurred images. This overwhelming feeling of coldness and despair fill my whole body. What the hell was that?

I have so much planned for Sofia and Davina's relationship. Stay tuned for things to build up and get crazy.

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