Chapter 45- Famous. (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Well, I never knew Amir would actually go and join an illegal fighting trade even if it was for saving those innocent human beings. Amir would teach me self defence by always being the person to focus on the attack whilst I would always be focusing on the defence and we began to get pretty good, so I joked with him that he needs to lose the weight by joining an illegal fighting club. He had laughed it off that day and told me that I too should join him as I need to lose the weight as well. I never knew it would happen one day", I said as I shyly looked up at the camera smiling the nerves on display. As Amir came to wrap his arm around my shoulders but I ducked and ended up elbowing him in the gut.

"Oops, sorry", I said as I gave him a sheepish smile.

Monica stared at us with a look of amusement mixed with incredulity at our silly actions as Amir and I began laughing.

"How do you feel now knowing the reason he was coming home in bruises?" Monica asked me with an evil glint in her eyes. I knew she couldn't do any editing, as this was live TV and there would be no way what so ever she could use my word against me but even then I chose my words carefully.

"At first I felt guilty as there was nothing I could do because he wasn't telling me anything but when he did I was so proud of him for doing what he did Allah knows how he did what he did with that amount of strength. I still feel guilty for all the pain he has gone through and not being able to share it with him, but seeing him interact with those innocent young girls saving their lives and seeing them happy is all that matters to me right now," I said as I smiled seeing the look on her face and knowing I was the reason it was there.

One of the camera crew gave me a slight smile and nodded his head at me, as the corner of his mouth turned upwards at my response to her question. I guess she isn't used to getting outsmarted by her guests.

"Aaliya, I just wanted to ask something. What is the story to your past, I mean has something happened that you regret or are still trying to get over?" she asked me as I opened my mouth to respond, thinking if she knew the answer or is just trying to manipulate me into telling the whole world the most personal and private part of my life.

Amir's phone began to ring and I noticed Subhan's name as I looked at him from the corner of my eyes as he smirked at me.

"I am sorry but this is from my office and I remembered that I have an important client to see today so I am sorry to cut this short but do excuse us for now", Amir said as we got up and bid farewell to the camera crew and left the interview.

"I can't believe you two did that to save me", I said as I placed an arm around both Subhan's and Amir's shoulder giving them a hug and squealing at what we have just done. Amir was now well known to the government agency as well as the police forces and secret agents and because of all the drama that had happened we were told that we need to get bodyguards or we will be assigned, bodyguards.

"Well, we did for you and you better believe it", Amir said as I smiled at him.

"Hey, do you want to go for ice cream, with the whole family later? It will be my treat as I feel like we need a break?" I asked Amir as he was paying for our groceries.

Rotating around for his opinion, I found him seizing the grocery bags as I took a couple of him as he smiled and nodded his head.

"That would be nice".

"We're home!", I screamed as we entered the house to find everybody in the living room watching something on TV.

I walked into the kitchen and placed the groceries in the right places before walking back into the living room.

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