Chapter 22- Hide And Seek & Stolen Kisses (Edited)

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Aaliya's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face as I remembered yesterday's events and thought, '' I can't run, why not play games inside the house'. Looking around my room I saw everybody already and looking at me.

"What, did something happen?" I asked the girls but they just shook their heads and laughed as they walked out of the room leaving just me and Zaira, something fishy was definitely going on and I am going to find out.

"Nothing, just go have a shower and then come downstairs," Zaira said as she placed a kiss on my cheek and left the room as I got my clothes and went into the warm shower trying to not make any sudden and harsh movements causing my stitches to open. Letting the hot water run down my back I felt all my muscles relax as I thought about how lucky my parents are getting to spend Ramadan in Saudi Arabia. I was happy for them though and I am so happy that the blessed month of Ramadan would soon start in two or three days as this is a month where shaytan (devil) is locked up and all the doors to Jannah are open.

Changing my clothes and brushing my hair gently I walked out of the bathroom and into my room as I looked around bored of the bedsheets I decided why not put some new ones on. I walked into my wardrobe and pulled out some blue and gold lace patterned bed sheets that matched the colours of my bedroom walls. Sighing I got to work as I took off the old pillowcase and threw it next to the laundry basket, then I had to take off the mattress sheet and duvet cover which I always hate as I am claustrophobic so the thought of me getting tangled into the sheets scared me.

I moved my wet hair out of my face as I picked up my duvet and duvet cover and sat on the floor, I had this secret hack that always helped me, what I did was flip the duvet cover inside out and whilst leaving it inside out I then put my arms in the duvet cover and then grabbed the two corners at the end of the sheet and then grabbed the duvet as I stuffed the duvet into the covers whilst pushing my hair out of my face that carried on falling in front of my eyes.

As I started to put on the pillowcase I felt someone remove my hair from my face and thanked them without looking at them.

"Your welcome Habibi (my love)," I heard a very familiar voice as I turned around and saw Amir standing there smiling at me. Smiling at him back I moved out of his way only for him to grip my waist and pull me into him.

"Now where do you think you are going?" he whispered into my ear as he moved my hair onto one shoulder leaving the side of my neck exposed to his eyes as heat rushed to my face as I thought of a way to make him leave.

"Hey how about we have breakfast and then play hide and seek as we have nothing to do and if you find me when you get a gift as apparently you are the best at hide and seek," I said to him which caught his interest as he nodded leaving my hair alone.

"Alright then let's play after eating breakfast, come on everyone's waiting downstairs," he said as he led me downstairs by my hand smiling at me whilst looking at my lips.

We went downstairs and saw everybody eating pancakes with various fruits and toppings including Nutella and maple syrup. Sitting down next to Amir I placed one pancake on my plate and decorated it with strawberries and chocolate spread. I took a bite and lightly moaned at the beautiful taste of the light pancake with the chocolate and strawberries as Amir stared at me as I blushed and put my head down.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Amir asked me as I nodded my head at him.

"Yes, that's all that I'm going to eat but thanks Sam for making the pancakes they taste just like they did in Uni," I said as she nodded at me.

"No problem Aaliya, but come on at least eat another one, for my sake please," she pleaded with me until I finally gave up as everybody cheered and looked at me with shock.

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