Chapter 7

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Sorry for the late update I was got into quite a few problems (for example exams and having my learners license and may or may not have crashed my dad's car like five times since November?)

•••• on with the story ••••

Igneel's POV
Lucy have a great potential, she just haven't found it yet. Summoning celestial spirits needs a lot of energy and usually most celestial mages can only summon one spirit at each time and will feel quite weak after that but she can summon more than two spirits at a time nevertheless two gold keys each time without running out of magic power and she can even fight alongside her spirits while keeping their gates open and that's extra hard to do.

She can also do urano metria which uses a lot of power. I wonder why didn't anyone sense her extreme amount of magic power if she can open two gates at once, the power needed is around the amount of doing a few secret arts but it feels like the amount of magic power is hidden from others. I can barely feel her magic power and if I didn't know the amount of magic power needed to open a gate I would also have the feeling of that she has little amount of magic power. In order to do celestial magic in any form, you have to condense your powers meaning that the density of the magic she has is higher, for example other people have water but she has mercury, it's a lot more dense but has less in amount. But even with that fact in mind, something is hiding her magic power from anyone sensing it or even her overusing it, and only letting it activate when Lucy is in great danger. And I feel like Lucy did dragon slaying magic before since she is able to do it easily.

"Igneel!!!" "ya?"
"What are we going to do today??? Are we going to learn more moves?? Or are we just going to meditate until I could stay in that condition for a longer period of time? Or are we going out to the city to get some food, or maybe clothes, we might as well get some books or maybe some strawberry milkshake or maybe the huge huge huge library that we passed by or we can also go to the beach house. Oooo we can also go to the amusement park that we passed by when we flew across the sea to find a key, it just opened recently and I'm sure that it'll be fun and amazing! Or maybe..."
"Calm down Lucy calm down. We are not going out anywhere today. You will learn the basics of the fire dragon's roar. First, try to concentrate the fire into your throat and process that fire into a stream or line or ball whatever you want to call it. Condense it and try blowing the concentrated fire out as hard and as far as you want it to go. And shout fire dragon's roar when you do it. You can also learn it without saying the spell but that takes serious training. For other moves repeat the steps above but at different parts of your body and shout their names."

Time skip 6 months later... (cause I'm lazy to write the whole process)

Igneel POV

"I have finally mastered fire dragon slaying!!!!!" Lucy said happily.
"Lucy, you will have to master celestial dragon slaying also as your mother requested. We will now take our leave to the dragon world, once you have arrived there, I will bring you to your mother and she will take care of you from then on. Now climb on and hold tight. Cause we are going to have a fast ride!!!"
I zoomed up above the clouds ignoring Lucy's scream that I'm flying too fast. Soon, the land is the size of an ant.
"I, Igneel, the dragon king of fire, hereby demand the portal leading to the dragon realm to be opened."
A portal than opened up

 "wow!!! It's amazing Igneel!! It looks like fire and it's actually hot!!  Can I touch it? Will it burn?"  "Of course you can, the portal changes according to which element are you

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"wow!!! It's amazing Igneel!! It looks like fire and it's actually hot!!  Can I touch it? Will it burn?" "Of course you can, the portal changes according to which element are you. Fire when you are a fire type dragon, ice when you are a ice type dragon, water when you are a water type dragon, wind when you are a wind or sky type dragon, etc. It wouldn't burn but would feel warm on touch. If you were to open one, it would be full of stars since your main magic is celestial. Now let us go meet your mother. She could teach you celestial dragon slaying magic, but for the other magic, you would have to find their keys to summon them in order to have them teach you."


Hey guys, I know a long time since I updated, but I'm back writing. Will continue updating when I finished writing the next chapter. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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