Final Note!

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.)IMTN was a single book and it does not have a sequel. Though I may write a spin-off, revolving around 'Brine' and 'Bella'. But things would be a lot different.

I wanted to add...

Don't hide your feelings because you think that's the right thing... who knows you will be playing 'Brine'

Don't try to make your crush jealous in order to check whether (s)he feels the same way. You might end up making things worse like Bella! Just say it!

Never hide. Every relationship works on trust and needs honesty. Mark was innocent but due to hiding a few things, he lost his 2 most beloved people!

And lastly, never have the urge for revenge. That's the most horrible thing to do. Speak up! say if you don't like certain things say it. Do it in the right manner. Or else you know what happened with Al

.)A big thanks to all of you, who have been sticking around; supporting me, reading, voting, and commenting. It helped a lot!

I would like to mention these few people, who deserve a big shout out:




And my sister- Uditi! (unfortunately, she's not active on Wattpad)
You guys were amazing!😍

.) Okay! So if you want something amazing to read, 

then I would like to mention a few must-reads...


The Shadow - @kkimberlyn

Pinocchio: Sicario - @Estelle_Sirius


confessions about Colton- @colourlessness

How to Hide a Body - @ashtsk


Try - @Dreamer9603

Posted- @afewmorewords

.) currently, I will be not writing/ posting anything new. 

I will try to come up with something next May.
I will start editing IMTN as and when I get time. It's going to be a forever process!😅

So for now,

Loads of LOVE!🤩

Stay Amazing,🤟

Sania! :D

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