"And was it?" I ask but Klaus' phone rings interrupting Sophie's story. He seems cheerful as he greets Marcel over the phone.

"Dead witches in the bayou. Sounds less like a problem. And more like a cause of celebration." Sophie perks up at this and I remember the tradition of consecration is very important for their ancestors.

"You can't go out there now!" Sophie warns Klaus as he gets ready to leave. "I need to gather the witches' remains and consecrate them. If I don't get to them before sundown, we lose the link to their magic." She pleads.

"They tried killing the woman who is carrying my baby1 I don't care what happens to them."

"I happen to agree with Sofia on this and I for one prefer for Marcel's informant not to find anything that would lead him back to us. To her or to, you know, that." He points at Hayley and my mouth hangs open with his rudeness.

"You are all class." Hayley sasses at him as she sips her hot tea.

"Stay put and save the rest of your story till I return." He orders Sophie and he's out the door without a second thought.

"He's a real ray of sunshine." I comment rocking nervously on my heels.


It didn't take a Brainiac to know that Sophie was planning her own strategy to get Davina back. She snuck away from the house right after Klaus left. Hayley and I followed close behind her not wanting to her to get out of our site. She has been keeping secrets from us all this time and there is no way we're letting her get away with it now. We follow her to the cemetery where all of her ancestors are located and surprise her before she can leave again. "Hey, what the hell?" She asks us as we block her exit.

"You're going out there, anyway, aren't you?" Hayley says to her.

"We want to go with you." I say making sure she doesn't try and get past us.

"No thanks. Already got assaulted by Klaus this morning, don't need a repeat." I place my hand up stopping her from moving from the spot I want her to stay in.

"Sweetie that was just him saying good morning. If you want to see an assault I'm sure he would be happy to show you the difference." I smile at her ever so sweetly.

"And what if whatever is responsible for all those dead witches is still out there?" Hayley adds and that makes Sophie stop and think.

"Hayley and I weren't harmed by it and even though I'm a witch it didn't harm me and likes her so do you really want to take your chances?" I state and Sophie is really pissed with us.

"So you'll be safer with us." Hayley tries to charm her but it doesn't seem to be working.

"Sorry if I'm not buying your sudden concern for my safety." She tries to move but my boundary spell keeps her in place annoying her more.

"Listen the whole reason I came to this stupid town in the first place was to learn more about my family. Your sister is the one that told me Marcel ran the werewolves out of the Quarter into the Bayou. And last night, pretty sure some guardian angel wolf saved my life."

"So, in other words, we're coming with you or I'll never let you out of that boundary spell."

"Could the three of you be more idiotic?" Rebekah's voice surprises us all. "Two can play the follow game. You heard Klaus he and Marcel are heading right where you're going."

"So distract them. Because unless you want to lock a hormonal, pregnant werewolf in a tomb, I'm coming with you. And wouldn't Elijah be mad if he hears that Sofia's baby and I died of asphyxiation?" Damn, she's good. I high five Hayley as we get what we want.

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