"Please, this is just practice so don't take anything personal and try not to kill each other" John looks at me for a split second and smiles.

"Everyone in position please" he steps back. Alex walks up to him and keeps his distance, about five feet away from him. He must be partners with John since the group is uneven.

Xander with Chelsea
Grace with Will
Ava and I

"Don't kill me okay?" I hold up my arms, ready for any hit Ava throws my way. I've done this before how hard can it be. It's just the last time Ava and I did training, I blacked out.

"I'll be walking around to point some things out to you guys" John demanded before blowing a whistle.

Ava came at me first. She swung her right arm and I ducked swinging my left toward her side. She caught it and pushed me back. I didn't have time to recover when she came for me at full speed. She slid against the grass and grabbed at my leg, making me fall back to the ground. Hitting it knocked the wind out of me.

"Ow" I said in a low voice.

I layed there until she comes over, holding out her hand to help me up. So I grab it. But once I'm on my knees, I swing my left leg out and hit her legs making her fall back to the ground.

"Ow" she says, sitting up on her elbows. I look at her and we both start laughing.

"Nice one" she tells me.

We start again, we had been doing this for the past ten minutes until we were told to stop.

"Good job to the both of you" John came over and helped us both up on our feet, "Zoe you should be a little more quick on getting up on your feet" I nod at him.

He smiles, "alright, again" he tells us and we get into position.

"Now this time, you guys-" John gets cut off by someone's scream.

"John!" I turned around thinking it was Grace but it wasn't, it was Chelsea.

John ran over to her and Xander while Ava and I walked. I couldn't see anything as everyone crowded but once I was able to get close enough, I could see that Chelsea was on the verge of tears.

I looked down and her finger was bent. Which means its broke.

"What happen Xander, what did you do?" John asked him.

His hands shot up in defense for the second time today, "hey, it wasn't my fault. She landed on her hand wrong"

John helped Chelsea off the ground and took a closer look at her hand. He went to touch it and she flinched, yelling at him.

"Damn it John! It hurts like hell" she explains. She sniffs her nose. I think she's going to start crying.

"Come on, I need to call someone" John insisted.

"No" Chelsea brushed him off, "its fine" she wiped her nose with her hand and ran a hand through her hair.

This was Chelsea. The one who has an attitude toward anyone whether she's jealous or not. The one who can take a hit anyday. The one who tried to kill me during our first fighting session and after being thrown up into the air she managed to walk it off. Even though I hadn't known her for long, I could tell she didn't like when people saw her cry. She tried her best the brush it off.

Everyone started walking toward the building now, I looked over at Xander who trailed along slowly. He thinks it's his fault probably. I could fix her hand or maybe I shouldn't. After all, she didn't like me.

"Um John, maybe I could try" I said. Not too loud but he managed to hear me, turning around to face me. Everyone stopped to look back at me.

"You think it'll work?" He asked.

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