Chaper 1: "Meet up and going to hang out."

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Y/N (your name)
H/L (Hair length)
F/F (Favorite flavor)
F/C (favorite color)
H/C (Hair color)

No ones POV
It was a nice day out, a gentle breeze blowing through the city. It was finally getting warmer and he liked it. The perfect weather. As long as it didn't get too hot. Saeyoung sat in the cafe working on a project. He wanted to help boost Zen's career even more so he managed to create a bot that would share videos of all of Zen's performances. He yawned and took a sip of his drink. He was hardly getting any sleep but it was something that he was used to now. He glanced at his phone. "She should be here by now," he mumbled and looked around.

Your POV
I walking down the city in a nice breezing day, heading to the cafe. "Such a nice day." I said to Myself. I took my phone out texting Saeyoung while walking typing. "I'm coming in 3 minutes." And send. I put my phone back in my pocket. Three minutes has passed, I found the cafe, I was fixing your sweater and (H/L) (H/C) while it was flying on my face. As you was done, I opened the glass door to the cafe, I walk myself in, and looked around, and spotted the redhead. I smiled and shouted "Hey, Saeyoung!" I waved and walked towards him.

No ones POV
He looked over at you and smiled brightly. He waved and finished working on his bot. When he finished he closed the laptop and stuck it back into his bag. The two had planned on hanging out and although the others teased him constantly about his feelings. But he denied them. He didn't believe in fleeting emotions like love. After the life he had he had lost faith in the whole thing. He stood up and pulled the chair out for you, so you could sit when you walked over. You were a little surprised when he brought the chair at the table but Thanked him. "Thank you, what a gentleman." You joked as you sat on the chair and smiled. "Hey, Saeyoung. What were you working on?" You asked him, tilting your head. "You look really tired." You said feeling Empathy for him. "Just something for Zen." He smiled and shrugged. He pushed her chair in and then sat in the chair across from her. "I'm okay, I've spent many nights staying up late, so it's nothing new." He didn't want her to feel bad for him, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't hide the fact that he was tired. You sighed. "But still, that's not healthy.. having no sleep is not good for you.. that really sucks." You looked down at your lap thinking to yourself. "Poor thing.. he needs sleep.. I wish I can just give him a hug.." you thought to yourself. You sighed once again, and looked up at him. "I feel really bad that you don't sleep, I know that you're a very busy person, but still, it really worries me that you don't sleep.." You says in a low tone. "I have a lot of work that needs done so I don't have time for sleep right now, don't worry about me... I promise." He nodded and smiled reassuringly. He knew that no matter how hard he tried to reassure her, she would still be worried about him. He didn't want anyone worrying about him right now though. He could take care of himself. You slowly nodded as a agreement. "Okay.. I'll try not to worry to much.." you smiled weakly as you're overly thinking about the poor guy. "So, what are we going to do today?" You asked him as you looked at him while putting your head on your hand preventing from falling. "Well, anything you want to I guess... I didn't have much planned." He smiled shyly and finished his drink. He had completed all his work, so he thought just having a day off would be a good idea. "We can go to the park, the movies, an arcade." You tapped your chin while thinking about what to do. "Hmm.. they all sound fun." You thought about it once more. "I don't know.. I guess the movies?" You asked.

"Alrighty!" He smiled brightly and stood up. "Should we get going then? I walked to the cafe today so we have a long walk ahead of us." He held his hand out to you. You grabbed his hand and stood up. "Man, so did I. But I am so determined to go on an Adventure!" You smiled. "Let's go! Don't forget your things." You carefully picked up his bag that has his laptop in it. "Okay." He smiled and grabbed his laptop bag. "I can carry it." He walked outside of the cafe with you. "Have you talked to any of the members yet?" He asked and looked at you. You shooked your head as a no. "No, I haven't. Have you?" You asked back as you took your phone out of your pocket and checked your phone Incase you  missed a call or text from them, you looked away from your phone and looked at him. "Nope." He checked his phone and shrugged. "Oh well, I guess they're busy." He continued walking beside you. "Yoosung probably has classes." "Yeah.. I hope he's doing well in his classes instead of staying up playing games." You chuckled to yourself and you keep walking besides him. "And everyone else are doing a lot of important work." You thought about It for a minute. "Have you talked to V?" You asked him. "No... he's been busy I guess." He grew a bit silent and he rubbed his neck. "But it's whatever honestly... I understand." There had been some tension recently and everyone could sense it. You looked at him feeling worried. "Yeah.. I guess so. Are you feeling okay Saeyoung?" You asked him.

Saeyoung's POV
"Yeah, I'm fine." I cleared my throat and avoided looking at her. There was so much going on in my life and I didn't want to be a burden to her. "Are you sure..? I mean, you seem really quiet all of sudden." She could sense that something is wrong with the redhead, and wants to know what's wrong, but doesn't want to pressure him. "Nope, I'm okay." I tried to go back to being my bright and cheery self. I didn't want to worry her with my problems. I could figure them out all on my own, I had done that all of my life. "Okay.. you can always talk to about anything when you need someone to talk to. I'm here for you Saeyoung. I care about a lot." She says as she puts her hand on my back and rubs it gently.
"I know... thank you." I looked at her and smiled softly.

(Hey everyone! Jaime here! This idea was from a roleplay Im doing with a friend but I changed some stuff to make it more interesting. I'm going to make a part 2 of this, so stay tuned! Peace out!)

"Do I love her..?" (Saeyoung x Reader fluff)Where stories live. Discover now