Chapter 5:

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Malik and Biine arrived home and she went next to Margarette and hugged her without saying anything . But then she heard a familiar voice from the kitchen.

"Mom is that Yugyeom!?"

"No its Biine! Erics daughter ! Come and meet her !"

"Biine ? I have never heard this name before and today i heard it twice !"

Then Rym came out from the kitchen to see Biine talking to Margarette .



"I knew i saw you somewhere Malik !"

She hits his shoulder and went to hug Biine while he looked at her weirdly.

Emilya looked at them confused "you know each other ?" 

Rym smiled.

 "yes! She came to the cafe where i work ! I already like her! But you im not so sure about it "

She said glaring at Eric while Biine just laughed and looked at her father .

"From tomorrow ill be attending The same college as Rym "

"But.. I already enrolled you at the art college here... if its not it then ill enroll you in it tomorrow"

"I just wish one day you'll ask if you want to do something that concerns me! ... but is that it Rym?"

"There is only one art college here so i think that's it "

She was interrupted by the door bell.

"It must be yugii!!"

She runs to the door and jumped on Yugyeom hugging him which led the to almost fell down. Yugyrom laughed.

 "did you miss me that much!"

"Yes!! Come i want to introduce you to some one !"

They came inside and it was hard to Yugyeom to walk with crutches.

"Do you want me to give you a piggyback!"

"With your height! I dont think so !"

Rym rolled her eyes on him and went to take the chair out of his way . 

They arrived to the living room and Malik got up to help Yugyeom .

"No its okay! Thanks "

Rym looked at her friend feeling bad for him to see that he doesn't want people helping because he doesn't like the feeling of not being able to do anything ..

Yugyeom kissed  Emilya's cheek and handshaked Eric's and Biine's hands .

They all sat together and got to know each other..

"Do Biine is gonna be Rym's step-sister . Cool! At least Rym's wrath now would be divided on two! I wont suffer from it alone !"

Yugyeom looked happy at his conclusion when Biine made him lose hope.

"Aren't you afraid that you'll suffer from both of our wraths now"

Yugyeom suddenly looked scared.

  " no! Im sick! Spare me!!"

Biine laughed at his cuteness .

"He is cute! Rym is he the guy that studies dance?"

"Yes! When he is better you should see him dance ! He is the best ! Yugi ! She studies dance too!!"

"Nice to meet You Yugyeom!"

"And you Biine !"

Eric and Emilya looked happy that their daughters got along and are friends already. Time went by and they had dinner together and sat in the living room . Yugyeom Rym and Biine sat chatting together and tried to cheer Yugyeom up.

" Dont worry ! It happened to me before ! The doctor told me i need a year to recover while dad added a year just because he felt like it ! But after two months i was back to normal!"

" really!! I hope that's my case too.. i think a bone moved from its place .. i dont know "

"Dont worry you'll get better soon!"

"I hope .. ya Rym!! Answer that Taylor guy he is annoying me calling me every minute "

Biine looked at Rym confused.

"Taylor who?"

"Her boyfriend!"

Rym looked annoyed.

 "tell him im not in the mood to talk to him ! "

"Really!! I thought you're dating JB !"

"What?!! Me with that idiot!! No never ever!!"

"Why not ! He is handsome !"

"Yeah he is handsome but a jerk!"

"Maybe with time you'll see the good in him !"

"Hmm i dont know .. there is Jinyoung also ! He looks nice but i dont want to hurt him like the others "

"Dont date Jinyoung only if you're serious about him!"

"Yeaah i forgot that he is your cousin "

"Just dont tell dad that we know him"

Rym looked at Eric who was busy talking to Emilya and smiled at Biine.

"Dont worry i won't "

The girls told Yugyeom the story of Jinyoung and he looked at Biine .

"He is right Biine ! Give a chance to your father .. our parents always try to make us do things that they think are good .. so do what they like with closed eyes "

Rym glared at him.

 " look who's talking! The one who didnt talk to his father for 3 years"

Biine sighed.

 " I'll never do what he wants .. from the day mom died ... he didnt take care of me .. he only cares about work .. sometimes i even question if he still consider me his daughter"

"From the way he looks at you i think that he still cares " 

Said Rym putting her hand on Biine's shoulder.

"Yeah i think that too "

" you wont understand how i feel ... its not you who lost your mother when you were only 4years old .. when you try to forget and go to your father he tells you that he doesn't have  time for you... and he keeps on working... he comes home late .. and he didnt come to your room any more to put the cover on you like he used to when your mother was alive ..... the day i lost my mom .. i lost my dad too.."

Rym had her eyes full of tears and hugged Biine tight .

"You know .. maybe your father sees your mother in you and that effected him bad ... im not saying he did was the right thing , no he was wrong .. but now you're older and you can understand... you are mature try to fix your relationship with your father"

Biine hugged Rym back and hid her face in her shoulder

"I cant .. i dont think i can.."

Their moment was interrupted by Emilya.

"Come on kids ! Its time to sleep "

Rym stood up.

 "no ill take Yugyeom home first"

Biine stood up as well.

 "ill tag along !"

"Uhh i can go alone guys " 

Biine hit his head.

 "get up and shut up!"

"And i want to get out"

Rym winked at her mother telling her that she want to help her friend but still doesn't want his to realize that she is helping him...

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