Chapter 34

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Melissa's POV

I had thought about what Katie had told me regarding Chris and decided that I would take her advice. If ever were to see Chris again I would give him a chance, but at a distance. 

Today was the day that Bethany would be leaving for college and I could feel the tears in my eyes already. We had spent all year bonding and becoming really close. I was helping her pack the car while Katie watched and told me where to put things since she couldnt really lift heavy objects. 

"I'm going to miss you" Bethany cried while she gave us a hug. 

"We'll miss you too. Remember that we'll see you every break and that you can call us at any time" Katie smiled. A tear escaped her eye and I kiss her cheek to comfort her. 

"I'll call you as soon as I get there, and please keep me updated" she gestured to Katie's stomach. 

"We will" I laughed. 

We watched after giving our last hugs and goodbyes as our daughter left for college and her future. I lead my wife back into the house and I knew that her pregnancy hormones would make her extra emotional. It was hard saying goodbye to our daughter. We may not have seen her grow up but it still felt that a piece was taken from me. 

Katie sat down on the couch while I went to get her a snack. When I came back I noticed that she was giving me 'the look.' I knew that look. I knew what was coming.

"What?" I asked tentatively. 

"Why are you scared?" she responded. Her right eyebrow was raised but she had a smile on her lips. 

"Supergirl is not scared. She's just.." I paused, "Unsure of what to do next." I looked down at my lap and she interlaced our fingers. I slowly made eye contact and I drowned beneath those emerald depths. 

"Whatever it is I know you'll do the right thing" she says. My chest constricts and I lean over to give her a sweet kiss. 

She leans against me and guides my hand to her ever-growing belly. I gently caress it and kiss her temple. I could feel her lips graze my neck and send goosebumps over my body. 

We're interrupted by the phone ringing. I groaned and picked it up. 

Chy 😎: Hey there baby sis! Coming to pick you up in 5. Dont wear anything Supergirl and dont wear your grandma clothes. 

I rolled my eyes and giggled. In many senses I considered Chyler my sister. This just proved it. 

Me 🥟: I have great style! I'll be timing you.

"Is Chyler on her way?" Katie mumbled against my chest. 

"Yeah, she should be here in about 5 mins. Are you sure you dont want me to stay?" I say. 

"Go and enjoy a sisters day. We'll be fine for a few hours on our own" she kisses just beneath my jaw. 

"You know thats a weak spot" I moan. She chuckles and snuggles into my side. 

Our doorbell rings and I say goodbye to my wife reluctantly. 

Katie's POV

I was watching 'Flinch' on Netflix when the doorbell sounded. I furrowed my brows in confusion since I wasnt expecting anyone else to be coming. I cracked the door open and there he stood. Chris Wood on our porch with a sleeping boy in his arms. 

"Chris?" I nearly whispered. I opened the door a little more and Chris lifted up one of his hands. 

"I'm not here to start anything. I just couldnt think of anyone else to go to" he says. He sounds and looks defeated. 

"Come in. I'll put him down in our bed for now" I reach for his son. He places a soft kiss before handing him to me and I go to leave him in mine and Melissa's bedroom. Bethany's was still empty since she took everything with her to college. 

When I returned, I saw Chris pacing in our living room. 

"I don't know how to do this Katie. I can't play mom and dad all the time. I don't want to be a bad dad but I cant be a good one either" he croaks. 

"Chris, no parent is perfect. You have a lot on your plate for being alone. Don't be so hard on yourself" I said gently. 

"I dont know I just dont want to mess this up like I did with everything else" he sighs. 

I couldnt help but feel bad for him. He had done some bad things and gone through some hard times in the past, but that was in the past now. I bit my lip trying to think about what I should say that might help him but I couldnt. 

Suddenly I heard the front door open. Crap.... Melissa walked into the living room with Chyler waddling after her. Her face said it all. She was shocked and I saw that she was angry but she slowly walked to my side and put a protective arm around me. 

"Chris? What are you doing here?" Melissa forced out. 

"I just came for some advice. I saw how you and Katie were with Bethany and I needed some help" he said cautiously. He definitely looked scared of Melissa and I wouldnt blame him after the first time he came to our house. I could still see the scar. 

"Then wheres your son?" Melissa narrowed her eyes at him. 

"He's asleep in our bedroom darling" I say to her. "Please play nice" I whispered. 

I felt her arm tighten around me anyway and she kept her stare on Chris. Chyler cleared her throat to make herself known before sitting down on the couch. 

"Can we all sit down? I'm sure Katie agrees that standing for us is tiring" she mutters. I nod my head in agreement and we all sit down. 

Chyler is sitting in a corner chair while Chris sits off to the side on another couch across from Melissa and I. 

"Look, I know what I did to you both was bad and I feel horrible about it, but you are the only people that I have left that are good parents. Mine are out of the picture because of my previous marriage and choices, my wife is dead after leaving me, and everyone hates me for what I did too. Please, I just want to be a good father" he cried.

I looked to Melissa to see the sympathy written on her face. I knew that she wanted to help him but I would have to make the first move.

"I can help with watching him while you work. I'm on maternity leave since Melissa wont let me lift a finger so I have time" I attempt to smile.

"Are you sure you can handle that?" Melissa looks at me worriedly.

"Honey, I'm married to Supergirl. If I can handle you I can handle a one year old. Besides, this could be practice for you and I once our child is born" I reason.

"If Melissa is ok with it I will be very grateful, but only if she agrees" Chris speaks up.

"We could make a mommy day? Katie and I are both in the same boat. Floriana is proving to be a VERY protective momma bear and it gives me an excuse to not be confined" Chyler smiles.

"Then its settled?" I bite my lip.

Melissa looks down at me and slowly nods. I smile at her and rest my hand on her cheek. She leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips.

Maybe we'll have one more baby.....

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