Chapter 7

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Katie's POV

I thought that pretending to be Melissa's girlfriend would be hard, but it's actually been quite easy. A little too easy for my liking. I would catch Chris glaring at me, but I could care less of what that asshole thought. He broke Melissa's heart, and if he thought he had the right to be pissed about something it would be that he let her go. It was his mistake and I didnt really shove it in his face either.

We were having dinner the day before the wedding and Melissa sat beside me. David and his aunt were at the ends of the table. Jeremy, Chyler, Odette, and Floriana sat on Chris' side of the table. Melissa, myself, Patrica, Phil and Taylor (his bride) sat on the other side of the table. I placed myself between Patrica and Melissa so nothing would happen. It also put Chris a tad bit further since he sat in front of his 'fiancee.' Our conversation was light and excited for the soon-to-be newlyweds.

"I cant wait to see the dress!" Chyler squealed.

"I cant wait to drink the booze" Floriana chuckled. Jordan nudged her playfully while the rest of us laugh.

"Honestly, I'm thankful that you all came, and on such short notice!" Taylor smiled. Phil had invited the rest of the cast so that Melissa and I weren't alone at the party. It had David's scent all over it. He must have told his cousin about Melissa and Chris' predicament.

"We should be thanking you for inviting us, even though we know nothing about you" Odette laughed.

Our banter continued throughout dinner and it seemed like things were starting to wind down.

"I'm going to grab some more wine" Melissa announces. I watch her go, missing her already when I notice Chris get up a few moments later. I eye him suspiciously and I catch Darla's eye. She gestures for me to follow and I nod my head in understanding.

I make my way carefully to the kitchen so that I can listen to anything  that might be happening between Melissa and Chris. Sure enough I hear their voices. I hide behind a corner and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Seriously? You drop me for her?" Chris hisses.

"You cheated on me! And it wasnt even some one night stand or dating behind my back. You were engaged! And you still are!" she hisses back.

"Is this your way of getting back at me? Suddenly turning lesbian because I wasnt good enough for you?" he growls.

"You are so full of yourself! You cheated on me. It has nothing to do with being good enough. It has to do with you sleeping around and thinking that everything is fine!" Melissa says exasperated.

I hear what sounds like someone slapping their hands against their leg in frustration.

"I know everything isnt fine! I fucked up, ok!? I know that, but at least I kept straight and didnt turn into some dyke" he spit.

At that moment I saw red and I burst into the kitchen. I placed myself in between them and put on what felt like the best Lena Luthor front I could muster.

"Your time is up Mr. Wood, and you need to leave this kitchen immediately" I say firmly. I cross my arms and straighten my back to show that I wasnt going anywhere.

"You're not in this fucking conversation. I'm talking to Melissa, so you can stop with the stupid act and stop pretending to be her lover."

His words did hit a nerve, but I showed nothing of it. Melissa stepped closer to me and before I could swing at him Darla walked in.

"Young man I suggest that you and your slut get out of my house before I let this young woman beat your ass for me" she says too calmly.

Chris stares at her in disbelief and his jaw hanging. My own jaw was hanging at Darla, but I quickly recovered to see if Chris would fight it. He glares back at me and goes to collect the tramp. I look down at the floor in shame for having brought drama to Darla's family dinner.

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