Chapter 22

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Katie's POV

Melissa had been acting weird again and I had hoped that everything was alright. I was busy reading my book when there was a ring at our door. Chyler and Floriana had gone shopping, and Melissa and Odette went to get food for the week.

I opened the door to find none other than Chris Wood standing at the door. He looked tired and worn. His clothes were ruffled, but it was his eyes that told me that he was here for a reason. They seemed to want to scorch a hole in my head and I cautiously opened the door more.


He stood still and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Wheres Melissa?" He grunted.

"Shes not here right now. What do you want Chris?" I crossed my arms and observed him.

"I want Melissa. I'm going to wait right here until she comes back" he said. It was something about the way he was speaking that put me even more on edge. What is wrong with this man?

"You cant just show up Chris. Dont you think that's shes had enough?" I sigh.

"Dont you think I've had enough? Each time I want to see her I have to watch the stupid show and shes always with you" he growls. He takes a step forward and I stand my ground.

"You need to leave. You apparently dont understand the meaning of no and you dont look like you're in the right mind state."

I attempt to close the door when he pushes it open.

"I'm not leaving until I see Melissa!" He yells.

Chris went to slap me but I used my arm to block the blow. I go for his nose and blood spurts out as he howls in pain.

"You bitch!" He comes full force and I brace myself. I try to block and punch just as I had learned with Chyler and Melissa.

"Katie!" I heard Melissa scream. It was the moment of distraction that I felt a lightning strike to my jaw and reality faded from my vision.

Melissa's POV

I paced the waiting room as I waited for them to release Katie. She had a concussion and bruises, but nothing serious, thankfully. They were treating Chris a few rooms down from Katie with a broken nose, concussion and cut above his eye. I had given him the cut when I got him off of Katie. I was livid and it took Odette and Chyler to pull me back.

"Shes fine Mel. Why dont you sit down for a minute?" Chyler said softly.

"I cant Chy. I'm too anxious and angry to just sit down. If you hadn't been there I would have killed him" I stuff my hands beneath my arms while I continued to pace. Katie was waving off a nurse when I sped walked over to her. I engulfed her into a hug and kissed her hair.

I checked her over and apologized over and over again. I felt responsible for not being there for her. She placed her hands on my cheeks and made me like in to her green orbs.

"Honey I'm fine. I promise" she murmured.

Silent tears slid down my face and I looked down at the floor.

"What if he had done something worse? What if I didnt get there on time?" I whispered.

"Just because you're Supergirl doesnt mean that you will save everyone" she says. "Including me."

I look up and see that she has tears on her face as well. I wipe them off gently with my thumbs and kiss her. I kiss her as if it was the last time I would get the chance. As if Chris had really done the worst thing possible. I start to cry more not from sadness, but pure relief. Relief that she was safe, relief that she was here, relief that I would be able to say I do.

The thought that I would marry this woman struck me head on like a fright train and I leaned back. I looked into the face of the woman in my arms and saw the raw love in those emerald depths. There was a constricting feeling in my chest and I knew that I wanted to be able to call her mine more than anything.

Katie's POV

My head hurt more than any headache I had before. Melissa had been paranoid with me and had changed. It wasnt necessarily bad, but she was just.... different. She would constantly be out and about with doing things for Supergirl, making sure I was comfortable or writing in a little journal. She wouldnt let me read it, but she promised that some day I would.

I was napping on the couch when I felt arms underneath me. It was the familiar strong and gentle arms that held me at night and I snuggled into her chest. After a few moments I felt the soft bedding under me and I peeked my eyes open. Melissa had tucked me in and gave me a small smile.

"I figured you would be more comfortable up here" she murmured.

"Very true. I should hire you as my personal assistant Ms. Benoist" I teased.

"I thought I was being considered for spouse. It is what I applied for" she said with an eyebrow raised.

I sat up slowly so that I wouldnt get a head rush and grabbed her hand.

"That position has yet to open. What date do you think would be good for you to start?" I smile.

"How about July 25th?"

"July 25th?"

"Yeah, it's like Christmas in July. What do you think?"

I decided to tease her a bit and pretend to think about it. She look at me intently and bit her lip.

"Fine, but only because your lip biting was distracting" I peck her lips.

"For a mean business woman, you're easy to persuade" she winked. I laughed at her goofiness and laid back down.

"Melissa?" I ask quietly.

"Yes?" She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and ran her thumb over my cheek softly.

"Would you ever want to have kids?" I looked anywhere but her face afraid of what she might. The hand on my face stilled and I began to panic. Then I felt her lay down next to me and wrapped me up in her arms.

"As many as your little heart desires" she whispers. I get a warm feeling deep within me and I squeal in delight.

"Do you really?" I smile hopefully.

"Katie, if our kids are anything like you I would wanted a million. If they were like me, we'd have our hands full" she snickered.

"Hands full of potstickers maybe" I mumbled.

"Hey! Dont hate on my potstickers!"

RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora