Chapter 6

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Katie's POV

So far our stay at Phil's parents house, or David's cousin, has been pleasant. Chris hasn't arrived yet so Melissa has been in a happy mood. I was helping prepare for dinner when I felt Melissa wrap her arms around my waist.

"You know, I could get used to this" I realize what I said and immediately start blushing, expecting Melissa to flee. Instead I feel her tighten her hold.

"Me too. Your cooking is amazing" she chuckles.

Her response makes my heart flutter and I smile to myself.

"Your girlfriend is a really big help, you wouldn't mind if I stole her every now and then?" said Phil's mother, Darla.

"As long as I get to eat it and have her to myself at night, I dont mind" Melissa shrugs.

"I am not something to be pawned!" I feign offense.

"That's not what I meant love, do what you want."

She had her face in my neck and I felt my legs grow weak. Over time, Melissa has gotten more comfortable and  affectionate in this way. I'm absolutely loving it. It's one of the things that I'll miss the most when we finally see Chris in a few days. For now I'm enjoying it while I can.

Melissa wonders off to help David with something and I'm left alone with Darla in the kitchen.

"You know, if I had someone look at me the way your girlfriend does, I would put a ring on it right away" Dalra says. I pause in tossing the salad and look at her.

"What do you mean?" I ask breathlessly.

"You obviously adore her, and she looks at you like you're the sun. It's actually quite funny seeing as you brought the great superhero to her knees" she laughs. I resume tossing and think about it.

"Ah yes. The great Lena Luthor has finally avenged her brother by seducing Supergirl. I would hardly think that many people would be supportive of that" I grunt. Darla laughs some more and shakes her head.

"Well, they may not like it, but I would say that Lena is by far the smartest villain ever."

"I'm not seducing Supergirl as some evil plan. I really love her. In fact I thought Lena had proven herself different from her family, and is not out to harm her" I say playing along. Darla stops stirring whatever shes cooking on the stove and faces me completely then.

"If someone is willing to turn down and walk away from everything that they've ever known and risk  a relationship with that person, I would say that, that is the ultimate act of love" she says.

Something about the way our conversation is going and the way she sounds makes me feel like we're no longer talking about Supergirl and Lena Luthor. We were now talking about Melissa Benoist and Katie McGrath. I blink and go back to making dinner. We say nothing for the rest of the night and I couldnt get it out of my head. As I lay in bed with Melissa beside me, I couldnt help but hold her close like I was afraid she might disappear. I know I was only in this situation to help Melissa make Chris jealous, but what then? Will I risk everything and tell her how I really feel? Or will I let her slip away and take my heart with her?

Melissa's POV

I cant get it out of my head. I had overheard some of Katie's and Darlas conversation and I heard crystal clear 'I love her.' It was the way that Katie said it that I knew she meant it. A million different emotions began swirling within me and a million different thoughts came with them. We were only here to make Chris jealous so we would get back together. That's what I want, right?

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