Chapter 12

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Katie's POV

I felt Melissa tense as she picked up her phone from the table and I got worried. I saw she had a message from Chris and I slowly took the phone out of her hands. She gave me a quizzical look and I gave her a small smile in return.

"Dont worry about it, just relax" I murmured in her ear. She slumped back into me and I snuck my hand up her shirt. With the lights off no one could see that I was rubbing her. I knew she was stressed so I decided that this would be best to calm her down. It apparently worked because she was passed out about 5 minutes later. When the movie ended I took my hand out of her shirt and she snuggled into the crook of my neck. Chyler woke up and the rest of the girls began to get up. I motioned for them to be quiet and nodded to the sleeping woman in my arms. Thankfully we were at Melissa's house so I could just carry her to bed.

The girls tiptoed out of the house after saying their goodbyes and I carried Melissa to the bedroom. I took off her shoes and pants (because she wouldn't want to sleep in jeans) and tucked her in. Knowing that she would want me to stay I had brought some pajamas with me in my purse. After changing I settled in next to her and she immediately attached herself to me. I smiled and snuggled into her this time.


I was making some coffee for Melissa and I when her phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Chris. I rolled my eyes and decided to answer it.

"Melissa you cant just keep ignoring my texts. I need an answer from you. If you dont marry me then I'm going to marry Patrica. What will it be?" He says angrily.

"How about you marry that skank and never call Melissa again?" I say.

"Why the fuck are you on the phone? Put Melissa on!" he roars.

"Melissa is asleep right now. Seriously Chris grow up. You'll see her when we get to the studio, but right now to you need to back off" I grunt.

"Why is it that I have to back off, but the person that lied to her is forgiven immediately?" Chris sneers.

"Actually I didnt talk to Melissa for months after your little mishap. The only reason she forgave me was because I admitted to doing something bad and didnt expect anything from her" I respond.

"Fuck you Katie" With that he hung up and I set the phone down. I knew that I would tell Melissa as soon as she woke up and continued to make the coffee.

I heard a thump come from the bedroom and I paused in my movements.

"Katie!" I rushed into the room and saw Melissa with a frantic look on her face and the blankets tangled up. I went to her side of the bed and sat down. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I rubbed small circles on her back.

"Shhhh, hey it was just a dream. I'm right here Mel" I soothe.

"It felt so real" she whispered.

I was curious what she had dreamt but I didnt press. I got her to calm down and we made our way to the kitchen. I set down her mug and took a sip of my own.

"Katie?" Melissa muttered.

"Yes?" I set my cup down and waited to see what she would say. She had that conflicted look again and wouldn't look directly at me.

"Am I really not good enough?" she whispers. I wasnt sure what she was referring to when she said that, but I knew that no matter what she was perfect for me. I tightened my hold on her.

"What do you mean Mel?" I asked softly.

"All of my past relationships have ended badly. I divorced Blake, Chris has turned into a mad man" she paused to sigh and put her arms around my waist. "Why do you stay?"

"I stayed because I love you. The past isnt your fault, and the fact that their gone means that they didnt really love you. They didnt deserve you" The words were out of my mouth before I could even stop and think.

"And you deserve me?" she smirked.

I looked into her blue eyes and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No" I murmured. She looked taken aback for a second and it seemed like the world fell away. I wanted to hold her and tell her to forget her worries. I wanted to kiss her and make her feel loved. But I couldnt. Melissa didnt feel the same for me and I felt everything come crashing down.

"We should get ready to go to the shoot" I say abruptly.

God, how am I going to do this?

Melissa's POV

I saw that crash. I watched as Katie's eyes turned from blue green to dark and dull. What was she thinking about?

She cut off our moment short and we got ready for our day. It was boring. I didnt enjoy as much as I would because I knew Katie was sad. What could I do? I put on my Kara Danvers outfit and went to the my 'apartment' scene and sat down on the couch. Chyler walked in with a bottle of wine and smiled at me. I was supposed to be sad about Mon-el but I was really sad about Lena. Thankfully no one would know at home except for the cast. When our scene was done I was sitting on a stool at my counter and Chyler stayed behind. 

"You're not really sad about Mon-el are you?" she asked. I shook my head.

"I hate referring to him that way, but its hard to get out of character when youre on set. Why dont you just go tell Lena how you feel?" 

"What do you mean?" I ask legitimately confused. 

"Oh come on Kara. It's obvious that you have feelings for Lena. Ever since the wedding I saw you look at her with the light in your eyes. Why do you keep running from it?" Chyler looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I dont know what this is that I'm feeling, Alex. I know that we're good friend-" Chyler held up a hand and leaned against the counter.

"Enough with the 'we're just friends' ok? Lena is looking to move on. You better catch her before she does."

Upon hearing that Katie was looking to date other people I got a weird feeling within me. I stood up from my stool and looked around for Katie. When I finally did see her she was talking to Odette. She was laughing and smiling. Then I noticed her lip bite and I lost it. I sat back down and grabbed the glass of wine that Chyler had poured. What should I do?

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