Chapter 6

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Everything happens for a reason, but that doesn't mean that the reason is any good. All I had was time to think about everything in these past few days and Thinking never lead to anything good for me.

"Tony Lunch Is Ready!" My mom yelled from down stairs taking me from my thoughts.

"Coming" I yelled back, throwing my phone on my bed and putting on some shorts.

I had been getting texts from Vic and Jaime from the moment i left yesterday but i have yet to write back. I really wanted Mike to text me but i know i wouldnt write back, i was being stubborn but i had every right to be. I always pull my weight when it comes to our jobs and for him to rip me off from my share made me angry. And this stupid little crush i had on him wasnt helping my situation at all.

I walked down the stairs slowly and made my way to the Kitchen. Jess was sitting on a pile of old phone books stacked on a lawn chair, God she was so short. I Made a mental note that when i got some money i would buy us a proper dining set.

"Tony!" My baby sister yelled with a mouth full of food.

"Hey there munchkin" I replied grabbing a napkin and pulling a chair up next to her.

"She's getting better at pronouncing my name mama" I said wiping Jess' Mouth gently.

"Well she is three, i think its time she learned a few more words." My Mom said setting a plate with a warm burrito infront of me. Before i could open my mouth to protest on how i was a vegetarian my mom cut me off with "Its Bean and Cheese Mijoh"

I smiled to myself and began eating as my mom rambled on about her paranoia.

"I just dont know Tony It doesnt feel right, and with you gone all day it doesnt help" My Mom said sternly.

Usually I would argue with her about how i have to go and make money because of our situation but my Guilt took over especially since i didnt have a check coming in soon and the rent was already a few days past due.

"Has Mrs. Lidia called for the rent yet?" I asked staring at my plate

"I talked to her yesteray and she gave me until you get payed on friday to get it in." My mom said with a hopeful smile which only added to my guilt and the sinking feeling in my Stomache.

We sat in silence for a while, only jessies soft humming breaking our silence every few moments, Then out of no where there was a knock at the door.

"Who could that be?" My Mom asked in pure curiousity.

"Dont know, maybe its Grandma" I Replied picking up Our three plates and putting them in the dishes.

"I'll get the door, would you do me a favor and take Jess upstairs and get her ready Im going to take her to Miss Jane today." My mom said washing her hands

"The neighborhood babysitter?" I asked confused "Why cant you watch her today?"

"Im going to Job hunting today Tony and I-"

"Wow wow wow Hold up, Mom we've talked about this I dont want you leaving Jess With anyone or for you to be out on the city street by yourself." I Interjected before she could finish.

"Antonio Cesar Soto Perry Excuse me but when did you Become the Adult here? She's My daughter and I am looking for a Job. End of Discussion" She said Loudly

"No You're Not" I said Even louder

"You dont get a say in the matter Tony, I swear your just like your father" She yelled.

"DONT YOU DARE COMPARE ME TO HIM!"I screamed." Im Twice the man he will ever be, and Jess is my sister. I get a say of what happens here because i Bring in the money, Ive Been bringing it in since i was 17! So you're staying here END OF DISCUSSION" I yelled

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